The STF judges the 16th mandatory vaccination against covid-19


The STF (Federal Supreme Court) will judge next Wednesday (16), in a plenary session of the court, two actions that discuss the mandatory vaccination against covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus.

The process was scheduled to be judged by the virtual plenary session of the STF, but the president of the court, Minister Luiz Fux, decided today to send the analysis of the issue to the face-to-face session of the court on the 16th pandemic.

Two lawsuits filed by the PDT and PTB parties that challenge provisions of the law passed in February that provide measures to combat the coronavirus will be judged.

The PDT requests the STF to establish the interpretation that states and municipalities can determine the mandatory vaccination against covid. The PTB action advocates that the possibility of mandatory immunization, provided by law, be declared unconstitutional.

President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) has argued that vaccination should not be mandatory.

Despite statements against mandatory immunization, it was Bolsonaro himself who sanctioned law 13,979 / 20, which provides for the possibility that public authorities force the population to be vaccinated.

It is the provisions of this law that establish the mandatory vaccination that will be analyzed by the STF.

Also in the list of trials of the STF on the 16th is an action that questions whether parents can stop vaccinating their children based on “philosophical, religious, moral and existential convictions.”

Vaccination plan

Two other actions related to vaccination against covid-19 were scheduled for the STF session next Thursday (17). One of the actions was presented by the Rede party and the other by the PCdoB, PSOL, PT, PSB and Cidadania parties.

The parties are calling for the federal government to be forced to collaborate in the development of each and every one of the covid-19 vaccines under investigation in the country.

The lawsuits were submitted to the Supreme Court after President Bolsonaro disapproved of the Ministry of Health’s agreement to buy the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by the Chinese laboratory Sinovac in alliance with the Butantan Institute, an entity linked to the São Paulo government.
