Educational networks still do not know if they will be allowed to take distance classes in 2021 | Education


With little more than a month to the end of the year, the networks of public and private education, basic education and higher education, still do not know if they will be allowed to take distance classes in 2021.

The Ministry of Education (MEC) has not yet approved the permit to extend online education until December 2021, as it had been approved unanimously in October by the National Council of Education (CNE).

The council is responsible for advising the MEC on the country’s educational policies and also includes members of the ministry.

The resolution was adopted to regulate Law 14,040, sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro on August 18, which frees schools from serving 200 school days. The text of the law provides for the CNE to formulate national guidelines for its implementation.

For the president of the National Education Council (CNE), Maria Helena Guimarães, the approval of the resolution is urgent.

“If not, it can create legal uncertainty,” he says. This is because the health protocols that provide for the reopening of classrooms say that 100% of the students will not be allowed to attend.

“Who assures me that, in January, the schools will return [às aulas presenciais] and that there will be no more pandemic? And that schools should no longer comply with health protocols? All of them establish only 30% of students per class ”, he says.

The National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed) prepares a position in which it defends the approval of the resolution.

“At the beginning of this year, we had no way of planning [para a pandemia]. Now we can prepare ”, affirms the president of Consed, Cecilia Motta.

According to Motta, even if schools reopen for 100% of students, distance education will still be necessary to fill the learning gap that may have been left with online classes.

In Mato Grosso do Sul, where she is Secretary of Education, planning for the 2021 school year is ready, regardless of the silence of the MEC, says Motta.

“I’m ready to have 100% face-to-face classes next year, but I still need the remote class to regain learning. The plan foresees starting the year with half the class in one week and half in the other, sometime moment, close everything [caso aumentem os casos de coronavírus] and I’ll have to use remote classes, ”he explains.

“We are not facing an exceptional situation or that it will take time to happen. What has been observed is that the pandemic has a longer trajectory, with the risk of repeating itself that we do not know when it will occur, when or in which regions. Yes the pandemic returns growing, if we have a delay in vaccination, if we have regions that cannot reopen schools, what is going to happen is a situation of extreme legal insecurity ”, says the executive president of Todos Pela Educação, Priscila Cruz.

The state and municipal boards of education have the autonomy to legislate on the merger of the 2020 and 2021 academic courses and on the approval or not of the students, points that were also provided in the resolution that has not yet been ratified.
