“Worrying. The virus awaits this relaxation of people”, warns infectologist about transmission of COVID-19 in BH – Gerais


(photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA PRESS)
(photo: Leandro Couri / EM / DA PRESS)

In the last days, indicators gives COVID-19-19 place the people of Belo Horizonte in charge of slowing down the spread of the disease in the capital. Indicators are not yet red, level of alert maximum, but the transmission rate increases. The president of the Sociedade Mineira de Infectologia, Estevo Urbano, makes an alert.

worrying. We expected an increase, but we cannot accept an increase beyond the limit. This is all due to flexibility, vacations and the false sense of security that many people have today, precisely because the numbers have dropped at a certain point, ”he says.

The indicators point to 1.13 in the mean number of transmissions per infected person and are in yellow. The occupancy of beds in the COVID-19 intensive care units (ICU) is 31.8% and that of COVID-19 nursing beds is 29.8%, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the Municipal Health Secretariat published in this Monday, November 16. Belo Horizonte totals 51,194 chaos and 1,566 deaths.

The infectologist recalls that the relief gives “the feeling that everything is fine”, but the pandemic has not yet been controlled. People are very calm, but it points to a side effect of reopening. “Relaxation in sanitary measures, exaggerated exaggerations, improper use of the mask, and agglomerates, mainly by young people in bars and parties ”, he adds.

However, neglect can result in an increase in the number of cases and deaths. “The virus awaits this moment of relaxation for people. It is on the prowl and the mortality of the cases that go to the ICU remains high, the treatment has not advanced much.”

The specialist maintains that people need to become aware and mobilize to take preventive measures until the vaccine arrives. “We are trying to cross over to the vaccine. We are much closer since the start of the pandemic.”

According to the epidemiologist, it is necessary to prevent the indicators from reaching the red zone, especially the indicators of transmission rate and hospital saturation. Transmission rate is yellow and bed saturation is green.

“We cannot let everything go to the red and then think that it is wrong and that we have to do something different. Act now to prevent this from happening. The main thing is that people do not relax, become aware of the risk that still exists”
