Take a look: Mato Grosso do Sul has 30 cities at risk of death from excessive heat


Mato Grosso do Sul is on alert for the risk of death due to the intense heat registered in recent days. Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) even issued “great danger” alerts on Tuesday (6). According to the Institute, with a relative humidity around 10% and temperatures up to 5 ° C above the average, the risk is of hyperthermia, when the temperature of the human body increases until the organism collapses.

The most serious situation must be registered in the municipalities of the center, north and east. People who live in: Água Clara, Alcinópolis, Aparecida Do Taboado, Aquidauana, Bandeirantes, Brasilândia, Camapuã, Campo Grande, Cassilândia, Chapadão do Sul, Corguinho, Costa Rica, Coxim, Figueirão and Inocencia must be vigilant.

The notice is also valid for Jaraguari, Paranaíba, Paraíso das Águas, Pedro Gomes, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Rio Negro, Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, Rock, Santa Rita do Pardo, Selvíria, Sonora, São Gabriel do Oeste, Terenos and Três Lagoons


The warning comes for people to maintain care, since the extreme condition of the climate affects health. It is necessary to consume a lot of water and eat light foods, such as fruits, to mitigate the harmful effects on health. It is also recommended not to expose yourself to the sun and avoid physical activities between 10 and 15 hours. We must redouble care with children, the elderly and the heart, who are more sensitive.

According to experts, the dry climate, compared to the desert, combined with intense heat causes discomfort to the eyes, mouth and nose. Headaches, mental confusion, cramps, and dehydration are also caused by high temperatures. At the sign of any damage to health, the Fire Department and Civil Defense should be called.

The contact numbers are respectively 193 and 199. Calls are free.

Take a look: Mato Grosso do Sul has 30 cities at risk of death from excessive heat