ES has almost all the municipalities with low risk of Covid-19


23 Risk map: Espírito Santo has 75 municipalities with the lowest level of contamination in Covid-19
As of Monday, Espírito Santo will have 75 municipalities with the lowest level of Covid-19 contamination. Credit: Disclosure / Government ES

Since the state government instituted the risk matrix for Covid-19 five months ago, the Espírito Santo map will be, for the first time, almost all green, indicating the lowest level of risk of contamination from the disease. As of this Monday (21), 75 cities will have fewer restrictions on economic and social activities, as established in the strategy for coexistence with the pandemic.

The state was also left without any high-risk municipalities, identified by the color red, as in the current map this week. At moderate risk, the reduction was significant, going from 39 to just three cities: Montanha, in the north, and São José do Calçado and Ibatiba, in the south of the state, which are painted yellow on the Espírito Santo map.

The data were presented by Governor Renato Casagrande (PSB), in a statement on Friday night (18). Despite the tone of optimism with the expansion of low-risk municipalities, the governor stressed the need for the population to continue contributing to the control and prevention of the disease.

“Low risk is not absence of risk. All activities can work, without time restrictions, but care must be taken, protocol must be followed (use of mask and social distance), and we are not allowing non-crowding”, the is stressed.


In the first map published on April 20, most of the municipalities were low risk, that is, green, but there was a concentration of high and moderate risk cities in the metropolitan region and neighboring cities. As the coronavirus spread, the map changed color, reaching its most critical point in the week of July 13, when it was predominantly red. For each phase, in order to control the disease, safety protocols and activity restriction measures were defined.

Evolution of the risk of Covid-19 in Espírito Santo in the last five months
Evolution of the risk of Covid-19 in Espírito Santo in the last five months. Credit: Disclosure / Government ES

Today in low-risk municipalities, for example, there is no limit on days and hours for the operation of commercial establishments. In those with moderate risk, however, restaurants can only operate until 6 p.m. and high street stores have limited hours on Saturdays. Bars cannot open.

But, regardless of the risk classification of the municipality, some guidelines apply to all segments, such as the mandatory use of masks and the provision of alcohol gel for employees and customers, as well as respect for all health measures established by the Secretariat State of Health (Sesa).

“As long as we do not have the vaccine, we will still have to live with the virus. As long as we do not have the vaccine, unfortunately, we can still live with the deaths. As long as we do not have a vaccine, we will have to follow the protocols and I ask everyone for help to continue to win like today, with the increase in the number of low-risk municipalities, “concluded the governor.
