Teich places military personnel in postos-chave do Ministério da Saúde


BRASÍLIA – Há pouco mais de três weeks no charge, or minister da Saúde, Nelson Teich, privileged subject to nomeação de military for positions-chave na administração do orgão, at the expense of carreira do ministério servers. Levantemento feito pelo GLOBO identified fewer than seven military names for strategic posts of pasta, to exoneration of servers from Carreira do Ministério e uma series of charges as well as nominee substitutes.

Teich assumiu or Command of the Ministry of Health on April 17, after Luiz Henrique Mandetta remains. This passou through a process of “frying” to or contrasted with President Jair Bolsonaro in the defense of measures of social distancing as a way to confront an epidemic caused by novo coronavirus. By assuming or position, Teich disse is “100% aligned” with Bolsonaro.

Logo does not start from your management, as the first military commencement of pasta. Or General Eduardo Pazzuelo, who chefs Operação Acolhida (to receive Venezuelan immigrants) was nominated for the executive secretary of pasta. Ele or the so-called “number two” of Teich not commando do orgão.

Depois dele, foi nomeado or tenente-colonel Alberto José Braga Goulart for chefiar or Distrito Especial Sanitário Especial Indígena (DSEI) do Maranhão.

Nova cam

In the first week of this month, a new military officer took office in positions of ministry. Foram nomeados os tenentes-coronéis Jorge Luiz Kormann (program director), Marcelo Blanco Duarte (assessor not Logistics Department), Paulo Guilherme Ribeiro Fernandes (general coordinator of Planejamento), Reginaldo Machado Ramos (director of Gestão Interfederativa e Participativa) ea Third Sergeant Emanuella Almeida Silva (Coordinator of Pessoal Payment and Administrative Contracts).

In some of the trocas, the military will replace servants of carreira da pasta, as is the case with tenente-colonel Marcelo Blanco Duarte. The assumiu or post of Adriana Maria Pinhate, effective servant since 2012.

In addition to placing military personnel in postos-chave, Teich exonerated less than two politicians than faziam part of the hard core of the ministry during the Mandetta era: former federal deputies Abelardo Lupion and José Carlos Aleluia.

Internally, the promotion of two military personnel on civilians and servers of the historical and public health care system has not been received by pasta officials. A ministerial server that failed on condition of anonymity said that two military officers had been delayed due to the resolution of processes that were in progress.

Difficulty of reposição

Another interlocutor said that at this moment in time we were finding it difficult to report, but that we had strategic positions. One of them is the chef assessor of international affairs. Or position was occupied by a staff member of the pasta company who requested a dispensation from the post. Since then, no nominee foi for a lazy.

Teich was harshly questioned about the increase in the presence of non-ministerial military personnel. Last week, the question was investigated about or a matter during a public hearing held by Câmara dos Deputados. Teich said that two military officers were present in the pasta, but not “definitive”.

– Those weights are not definitive. According to the normal or normal situation, these people will return to their places and not the military will be stationed – they promise.
