On Sunday, the government also reported that the overall bed occupancy rate is 91%. 97% of the Intensive Care Units (ICU) and 86% of the wards are occupied by patients with Covid-19.
Among the Covid-19 cases confirmed on Sunday, 307 correspond to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Srag) and 498 are mild cases. Pernambuco now has 7,156 severe cases and 6,119 mild cases.
Of the serious cases, according to the government, 2,477 evolved well, were discharged, and are isolated in their homes. Another 2,110 are hospitalized, 231 in the ICU and 1,879 in nursing beds, in public and private networks.
In addition, this Sunday’s bulletin indicated that 42 new patients recovered from the disease, totaling 1,522 clinical cures.
Since the start of the pandemic in March, confirmed serious cases of the disease have been distributed in 134 municipalities of Pernambuco, in addition to the Fernando de Noronha archipelago and the appearance of patients in other states and countries.
The 75 confirmed deaths within 24 hours are 39 women and 36 men. These people lived in the following municipalities: Recife (29), Jaboatão dos Guararapes (8), Olinda (6), Vitória de Santo Antão (2), Abreu e Lima (2), Paulista (1), Igarassu (2), Surubim (2), Feira Nova (2), Catende (2), Aliança (2), Jupi (1), Limoeiro (1), Palomas (1), São Lourenço da Mata (1), Salgueiro (1), Nazaré da Mata (1), Itapissuma (1), Ipojuca (1), Carnaiba (1), Taquaritinga do Norte (1), Quixaba (1), Lagoa do Itaenga (1), Tracunhaém (1), Glória do Goitá (1 ), County (1) and Trindade (1).
The deaths occurred between April 19 and May 9. The victims were between 21 and 97 years old.
They had the following comorbidities: hypertension (13), diabetes (11), chronic cardiovascular disease (3), smoking (2), asthma (1), chronic kidney disease (1), cancer (2), obesity (1), syndrome Down (1) and respiratory failure (1). The same patient, depending on the state, may have more than one comorbidity.
One patient had no comorbidities and the rest are being investigated by the municipalities. The age groups of these people are: 20 to 29 (2), 30 to 39 (2), 40 to 49 (7), 50 to 59 (14), 60 to 69 (13), 70 to 79 (18) , 80 or more (19).
Regarding the tests carried out on health professionals with flu symptoms in Pernambuco, to date 2,814 cases have been confirmed and 1,812 have been ruled out. The tests cover professionals from all health units, whether public (state and municipal) or private.