São Gonçalo announces the closure with a penalty to those who are idle on the street


The municipality of São Gonçalo announced on Friday that it will join the emergency shutdown to combat the new coronavirus. The expansion of the isolation measures in the municipality begins on Monday and runs until the 15th, and can be extended if there is no decrease in the number of confirmed cases in the region.

The measures were released a day after Niterói, a neighboring city, decreed the closure for the same period. There, the mayor Rodrigo Neves established a fine of R $ 180 for anyone who stays on the streets, beaches and squares.

The same can happen in São Gonçalo. According to the council, “strict social isolation is established, with the total closure of all non-essential establishments.” And people who travel on public or private roads without links to essential services will be penalized.

This Friday, a day after blocking the Campo Grande sidewalk, in the west of the capital, the city of Rio closed access to the Bangu sidewalk, in the same region. Despite the move, however, many people drove around the site in the morning, and long lines were checked in to access banks and shops. Some wore masks, but did not respect the 1.5m space.

According to the Public Order Secretariat, Realengo, Santa Cruz and other neighborhoods in the Western Zone should also be included in the list of establishments with restricted operation. The ministry also studies extending the measure to the neighborhoods of the Southern Zone.

Commission to analyze

Governor Wilson Witzel this week created the Ciência RJ Commission to combat Covid-19, a multidisciplinary group to evaluate, among other factors, the adherence of the population to social isolation.

– Today, the ICU line is the burial line – criticizes the oncologist Daniel Tabak, one of the members of the commission: – The hospital network does not manage it, and many people die in their homes. But how are we going to prevent people from walking the streets if there is no way to guarantee their livelihood?

According to Tabak, the institution of the blockade is political, but it is based on epidemiological data, provided by health professionals. The participation of economists and social scientists would be essential.

However, on Friday night, Witzel said that, for now, he does not think about the total blockade to fight the coronavirus. The moment, according to him, is an increase in inspection. (With G1 calculation)

The essential services of São Gonçalo

Pharmacies: they should only work for the delivery and removal of products, being prohibited the continuous stay or agglomeration in the place.

Shopping: supermarkets, markets and food supply centers, as well as bakeries.

Pet stores – They will only work for delivery and collection, and, like pharmacies, they cannot have crowds and many customers at the same time.

Stations: the supply of vehicles will be authorized.

Restaurants: they can only work for deliveries, as well as bars.

Obligations: the use of masks will be mandatory. In addition to providing alcohol gel to customers and employees, establishments must pay attention to the need for distance between people, with a minimum distance of 1.5 m. Additionally, they will be responsible for cleaning the floor and equipment frequently.

Emergencies: Travel to medical, dental, vaccination, physical therapy, clinical, and imaging laboratories will be allowed; veterinary assistance; police stations; Provide assistance or care to the elderly, children, people with special needs and socially vulnerable population.
