Federal Medical Council attacks northeast governors for bringing in foreign doctors


The president of the Federal Council of Medicine, Mauro Ribeiro, published a video in which he called “a cowardly attitude” the request of the northeast governors for the federal government to authorize the work of trained Brazilian doctors abroad

247 – The president of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), Mauro Ribeiro, published a video in which he called “a cowardly attitude” the request of the Governors of the Northeast for the federal government to authorize the performance of trained Brazilian doctors abroad, including without diplomas revalidated in the country in the fight against Covid-19. The information was provided by the journalist Mónica Bergamo, in her column in the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.

The request was sent by the region’s governors in April.

“I see this situation as a situation of treason for these governors, with fallacious arguments, with lying arguments, taking advantage of the moment of greatest threat in the history of our society in relation to a terrible disease, highly transmissible and with a lethality very quick to approve something totally despicable, “says Mauro Ribeiro.

According to a report published on the Brasil de Fato portal, the objective of the hiring is to multiply the number of professionals in the field with the temporary hiring, for six months, of students, doctors trained abroad and volunteers to act in the prevention and assistance to the population.

According to the coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Consortium, the neuroscientist Michael Nicolelis, the performance strategy of the contracted professionals will be based on the information provided by the population itself, through the application “Covid-19 monitor”, Developed by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). It affirms that the implementation of the measure must be immediate.

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