In protest, the Bolsonaristas attack health professionals; watch the video


In a protest held at Praça dos Três Poderes, in Brasilia, this May 1, health professionals were the target of attacks by supporters of the president Jair Bolsonaro.

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“You are not going to destroy this nation,” said one of the men in green and yellow, calling the professionals “functional illiterates” and “left-handed.” “We are going to sweep the communists out of this nation,” he continued. In the video, it is possible to listen to people who ask professionals not to react to assaults.

Dressed in lab coats and masks and holding crosses, the group of nurses and health technicians protested silently. An extended banner asked people to stay home, reinforcing measures of social isolation.

“The law wanted to draw attention to national nursing and had three main objectives: to defend social isolation on a scientific basis, to honor nursing workers from all over Brazil who died fighting against Covid-19, and to show the importance of the category” , reported. the Federal District Nurses Union in a note (see full text below).

The president’s supporters approached the professionals, cursing them. The protest ended after the episode.

Watch the video:

“When you smell someone who has not smelled perfume, we understand what kind of person you are,” one of the women told a health professional. She claimed that she has children, doctors and nurses and said that “they do not spoil the nation.”

See the note published by the Federal Nurses Union:


The Union of Nurses of the Federal District arrives through this note to repudiate the physical and verbal aggressions that the supporters of the President of the Republic committed against the nurses on the morning of this Friday, May 1, who participated in an act in the Praça two three powers.

The purpose of the law was to draw attention to the national infirmary. The protest had three central objectives: to defend scientifically based social isolation, to honor nursing workers across Brazil who died fighting Covid-19, and to show the importance of the category.

The Law was an initiative of the category, supported by the Sindenfermeiro, since the directors of the entity are nurses and are also on the front line. The organization is based on the nursing workers themselves who are on the front line against the new coronavirus.

The attitudes taken by government supporters are in line with fascist and undemocratic ideologies. Unfortunately, they are based on the attitudes of the President of the Republic, who often mocks the consequences of the pandemic, ignores all recommendations and guidelines on the importance of social isolation in the fight against the new coronavirus.

Today, in Brazil, there are more than 2.3 million nursing professionals who fight against Covid-19. For this reason, out of respect for the lives of the majority of the population and thinking about the safety of the thousands of health workers who overcome the fear of saving lives, SindEnfermeiro vehemently repudiates the fascist and undemocratic attitudes of the pro-government group, and emphasizes The importance of Population follows the recommendations of the world scientific community for social isolation.

The union is proud of the nurses who resisted provocations by the Bolsonar group. The infirmary is made of struggle. SindEnfermeiro reiterates its commitment to the defense of nurses, the Single System of Public and Universal Health and democracy, above all and for everyone.

And finally, remember #LuteComoUmaNurse!

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