8 tips to strengthen immunity | Unimed Campinas Health


Discussions about the immune system gained even more importance after Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, began to move forward and cause victims. After all, what is the relationship between immunity and Covid-19? The infectious disease doctor and coordinator of the Hospital Infection Control Service. Campinas Unimed Silvia Mara Penteado explains that immunity is the name given to the body’s ability to defend itself against invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi, which can cause disease. “When immunity is low, we are much more likely to have small and large infections and conditions like the flu,” Silvia explains.

“At birth, specific immunity is not fully developed, as the defense system is not yet ready. As we age, our defense system also becomes less effective. For this reason, it is important for babies and the elderly to avoid crowds and trips to supermarkets and shopping malls, ”he warns.

How to know if your immunity is low

The immune system is made up of a network of cells that specialize in defending the body against foreign attacks on the body. However, a weak immune system cannot fight off invaders, and the body is vulnerable. Recurrent infections, simple illnesses that take time to pass and excessive tiredness are some examples to consider.

The symptoms of low immunity are:

  • Infections
  • Fever and chills
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

How to keep your immune system strong

The body’s immunity develops daily, with a set of habits. For example, including fruits and vegetables, which are sources of vitamins, in your diet is essential for people with low immunity.

“There is no need for a vitamin supplement if the person has an adequate diet, because through food we can satisfy our vitamin needs. There are exceptions for people with chronic vitamin deficiencies and who may need prescription supplements. Sleeping well, practicing physical activities, avoiding smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, in addition to drinking water, also make us healthier. ”

The expert lists 8 tips to strengthen the immune system:

Sun in the right measure: Sunbathing helps produce vitamin D, which is important for your bones and immune system. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotosSun in the right measure: Sunbathing helps produce vitamin D, which is important for your bones and immune system. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

Sun in the right measure: Sunbathing helps produce vitamin D, which is important for your bones and immune system. – Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

  • Eat Healthy , with the consumption of all kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetables.
  • Practice physical activities. Exercises can help with weight control and fitness, including the capacity of the heart, regulating the functioning of the body.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Water acts as a filter for the body. In this way, it helps to eliminate toxins present in the body through sweat and urine.
  • Sleep well. When you get little sleep, the level of cortisol in your blood increases, which reduces the body’s defensive capacity.
  • Have up-to-date vaccinations. Take a look at the benefits of flu shot.
  • Sunbathing for the body to produce vitamin D . This vitamin is essential to strengthen bones. Until 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. They are the ideal periods to expose yourself to the sun.
  • Give up bad habits like smoking and drinking too much alcohol. These two substances negatively affect all cells in the body and interfere with the components responsible for stimulating immune responses.
  • Avoid stress.
Friendly with life: avoiding stress can help strengthen the immune system. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotosFriendly with life: avoiding stress can help strengthen the immune system. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

Friendly with life: avoiding stress can help strengthen the immune system. – Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

When choosing foods, give preference to raw vegetables like lettuce, tomato and carrot. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotosWhen choosing foods, give preference to raw vegetables like lettuce, tomato and carrot. - Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

When choosing foods, give preference to raw vegetables like lettuce, tomato and carrot. – Photo: Credits: iStockPhotos

Nutrients in food will help strengthen the immune system. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, as well as meat, chicken, milk, and eggs contain vitamins and minerals that help protect the body’s defense cells. The preparation of these foods should also be observed. Give preference to raw vegetables and cooked vegetables, washing them very well. When you need to cook them, try going for steam as this prevents loss of their nutrients.

It prefers fruits and vegetables that are not very ripe, since, with maturation, nutrients are lost. Ideally, these foods should be eaten whole or in pieces. When it is beaten, some vitamins may be lost.

Important: There is no miracle food or nutrient to prevent or treat Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus. Immunity is made up of a set of factors that act against different diseases, viruses and bacteria.

Know what to do if you suspect you have a new coronavirus

Unimed Campinas is fully involved in efforts to combat the new coronavirus, trusting that we will emerge stronger from this pandemic. The cooperative is immensely grateful to all health professionals, who stand firm in this purpose of saving lives, day and night, tirelessly and with inexhaustible energy.

The second singular of the Unimed System that was founded in the country, Unimed Campinas is completing 50 years in the market this year. Its service structure brings together more than 3,400 cooperative doctors, a wide network of accredited clinics, hospitals and laboratories, as well as its own reference services in the region. The client portfolio totals more than 750 thousand lives in service, which makes the Campinas singular the largest Unimed in the interior of Brazil. In addition to the city of Campinas, the municipalities of Artur Nogueira, Cosmopolis, Hortolândia, Holambra, Indaiatuba, Jaguariúna, Monte Mor, Paulínia, Santo Antônio de Posse, Sumaré, Valinhos and Vinhedo comprise a total of 13 cities.

An action to combat the new coronavirus that deserves to be highlighted is the offer of the Teleorientation service, from Unimed, which is carried out on 0800 8924 888 and also online at the hotsite unimedcontrocoronavirus.com.br .

Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the care, prevention and information platform has a technical team made up of family doctors, doctors, pediatricians and nurses.

Service structure:

Doctors: 3.4 thousand
Medical specialties: 51
Accredited hospitals: twenty-one
Laboratories and Clinics: more than 220
Day hospitals: 10
Own services:

  • Unimed Campinas Hospital;
  • Emergency care, in Sumaré;
  • Outpatient chemotherapy center with two units, in Campinas and Sumaré;
  • Clinical Oncology Center;
  • Health Promotion Center (includes the Integrated Multidisciplinary Center, the Specialized Rehabilitation Center and the Comprehensive Health Care Center)

Municipalities Action Area: 13
Contracting companies: more than 14 thousand

You want to know more?
Stay on top of our news and tips! Access the portal https://www.unimedcampinas.com.br
