In recession -7.9% GDP and deficit -2.8% Greek seems to be blocked economy in 2020 – after quarantine due to coronary heart disease – at least as shown in unfavorable scenario who announced it Treasury: a scenario considered (by Ministry officials) as the most frequent and closest to reality.
On the contrary, in the most optimistic scenario of the Ministry of Finance, a recession is expected. -4.7% and height deficit -1.9%. Both scenarios are contained in Stability program, which was sent (along with the Reform Program) by the Greek Ministry of Finance to the European Commission.
It is observed that the Bank of Greece He has spoken about two scenarios, with the optimist estimating the recession at 4%, while the pessimist predicting a recession of at most 8%. On the contrary, the International Monetary Fund He estimates that if there is a second wave of pandemics, the recession could reach 13%. Previous predictions of the Minister of Finance, Christou Staikoura, reported a recession of between 5-10%.
The measures and their evaluation.
The two scenarios contained in the Stability Program have incorporated the support measures taken for employees, companies and professionals.
The total value of the measures amounts to 17,350 million euros (10% of GDP) and their total cash costs to 11,500 million euros (6.5% of GDP) at the year level and 12,350 million euros. for the months until June. The budgetary cost of the interventions reaches 10,350 million euros in June and 9,500 million euros year after year.
Answers to Tsakalotos
At the same time, in its relevant announcement, the Ministry of Finance is trying to deconstruct what the former minister and the SYRIZA deputy recently stated: Euclid Tsakalotos, who, on the occasion of the Reform Program, stressed that New Democracy admits that it has taken measures that do not exceed 3% of GDP, and that SYRIZA’s policies have improved the country’s economy, as well as the quality of life of the great majority of citizens.
In its announcement, then, the Ministry of Finance, although it acknowledges that Greece had growth However, in 2015-2018, it emphasizes that our country “had the lowest average growth rate (real GDP growth) among the 27 countries of the European Union”, and that it was “the country of the European Union that showed the less increase in head of real disposable income. “
“It just came to our attention then the catastrophic 2015, the economic policy that he followed in the remaining years of his SYRIZA government captivated Greece instead of the tail in the EU and offered (based on the SYRIZA government’s own predictions) a zero level of optimism to Greek women and men to improve their standard of living, “announces the announcement by the Ministry of Finance.
However, it is observed that in the 2015-2018 period, the country was amid memos and he was trying to get out of the zone of strict surveillance, at the same time that he was forced to implement specific reforms imposed by the “institutions”.