Why ALDI advertises its firecrackers despite sales ban – BZ Berlin


Great enthusiasm for this year’s fireworks flyer from ALDI Outlet Store.

By Julian Röpcke

Over the weekend, ALDI sent out its annual advertisement for rocket fireworks and firecrackers, as we know them from recent years. The offers are traditionally good as of December 29 and are intended to encourage people to stock up on fireworks privately for New Year’s Eve.

► In addition to the weekly brochure with groceries and everyday items, ALDI Nord sent an additional brochure with 12 pages advertising only fireworks.

► ALDI Süd used the last three pages of its regular brochure to advertise this year’s range of the supermarket chain.

The problem: On December 13, the federal government banned the sale of fireworks and advises avoiding fireworks in general so as not to put additional pressure on the healthcare system on New Year’s Eve in the corona pandemic.

ALDI knows this too and has therefore printed wide and wide on every page of its additional brochure the phrase “Due to the government’s decision, there will be no fireworks sale this year.”

also read

► The complete list: firecrackers are prohibited in these streets and squares of Berlin

► The Frankfurt Customs (Oder) controls the importation of illegal firecrackers from Poland

But why does ALDI send out a brochure with fireworks that cannot be bought?

A spokesperson for the ALDI Nord company recently stated: “As we plan to announce our campaigns well in advance, some of the relevant offers have already been published in our advertising material.”

But why do millions of specially prepared and mailed brochures contain the announcement that there are no fireworks sales? In the fine print of fireworks brochures there is even the note that “some regions have banned fireworks entirely.”

Is this perhaps some kind of protest by the company against the federal government, which ruined its New Year’s business with the sales ban? ALDI North did not initially respond to a press inquiry from BILD on Saturday.

ALDI’s fireworks brochure sparked backlash on the Internet, and almost no one accepted the discount store’s explanation.

► User “Björn Bernhard” wrote: “Aldi could have omitted the fireworks section of the magazine (last 3 pages) but opted for ‘we will print everything new with a red banner'”.

► The user “Die Bina NRW” explained: “Is it even more stupid? Aldi advertises with rock star super duper schlagmichtot: fireworks and in the middle Kai warns Karotte to only shoot things in the smallest circle. “

Others showed sympathy for the Aldi campaign. A user from Baden-Württemberg wrote: “The environmental concept is absolutely correct. Only people are stupid. That’s why everyone in the area will rush to the Aldi to buy fireworks, regardless of whether there are any. “
