WHAT Kubi and Andreas Robens say about the scandal in the celebrity shared apartment


Violent argument and spitting attack at the summer house of the stars

In the first episode of “Sommerhaus der Stars” things really got down to business, especially in regards to the candidates Kubilay Özdemir (41) and Andreas Robens (54). The two had a violent clash when drunk and then there was also a spitting attack by Kubi against former bachelor Andrej Mangold. Scenes that also cause great excitement among the public. But how does Kubi evaluate his behavior in hindsight? We spoke to the 41-year-old businessman, also about his problem with alcohol. What he regrets, how he is now and what he thinks of Andreas, we show in the video.

Andreas Robens remembers the drama with ease

We also spoke with bodybuilder Andreas about the events of the summer house from the first episode. He clings to his dislike of Kubi, explaining in the RTL interview: “I don’t like him at all.” It was clear to him when they met that he would not get along with Georgina and his partner: “It was clear that one day he would arrive.” After the third day together, the “hat string” snapped, as can be clearly seen below.

For Andreas, however, his excess of alcohol has nothing to do with the discussion, as he explains on Instagram. According to him, it would have happened anyway. However, he realizes his wrongdoing: “Of course I behaved a bit shitty. […] The alcohol is totally my fault. “

A debate for Kubi would not be ruled out

Kubilay and Andreas will definitely not become friends anymore, the discussions and provocations between them were simply too big for that. At least for Kubi, however, a pronunciation is not ruled out, as he admits in the RTL interview: “Why not? It’s always good to talk.” However, he would like Andreas to see it like this: “It depends on whether he takes one step towards me. Then I take two steps towards him.”

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