What does he want to protect you from? Trump wants to forgive the closest family circle


Donald Trump fears that after his term in office, his family may be attacked by the judiciary. As a precautionary measure, the current president of the United States is considering granting broad pardons to his family members. Your prominent lawyer should also belong to the select group.

According to a media report, the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, is considering a preventive pardon for three of his children, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his private attorney Rudy Giuliani. Trump spoke with Giuliani last week about a possible clemency for the attorney, the New York Times reported. The president is also considering a reprieve for his older sons Donald Junior and Eric, his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, who works for him as a consultant.

Consequently, Trump fears that the American judiciary may take action against his entourage after his resignation from office under future President Joe Biden. As the “New York Times” explains, Trump’s eldest son Donald Junior was attacked by special investigator Robert Mueller in the Russia affair, but was never formally charged. In the past, Kushner had provided federal authorities with false information about his relationships abroad.

According to “NYT,” it is unclear what Trump would want to protect Eric and Ivanka from. It is true that the New York judiciary is investigating the Trump Organization, currently led by Eric Trump, in which the family’s business activities are grouped; Presidential pardons only include cases at the federal level. Even with Giuliani, who is leading Trump’s legal battle against alleged electoral fraud, it is unclear what possible crimes could be covered.

Trump can forgive those already convicted

As incumbent president, Trump has a comprehensive right to clemency. It can pardon those who have already been convicted, but it can also grant a preventive pardon for impending future criminal proceedings. A week ago, the president, whose term ends on January 20, pardoned his former National Security adviser, Michael Flynn, who was involved in the Russia affair. Trump had already released his adviser Roger Stone, who had been convicted in the course of the Russia affair, from prison in July.

There is even speculation on whether the president-elect could be granted a full pardon before the end of his term to protect himself from impending legal proceedings in the future. Whether Trump can truly forgive himself is controversial. Just Tuesday, a court document released into an investigation into a possible bribery scandal at the White House caused a stir. Consequently, there are investigations into the question of whether the president should purchase a pardon. However, in the court document, all names are crossed out. Trump spoke of “fake news” on Twitter.
