Veto Against US Crown Package: Biden Calls Trump Irresponsible


reUS President-elect Joe Biden has urged incumbent Donald Trump to sign the crown’s stimulus package that was approved by Congress with bipartisan approval. The Republican’s refusal is irresponsible and will have “devastating consequences,” Democrat Biden said Saturday. If Trump doesn’t immediately sign the package of laws, about 10 million Americans would lose their unemployment benefits, Biden said.

The economic stimulus package of around 900,000 million dollars (about 730,000 million euros) provides, among other things, the payment of higher unemployment benefits for March. In addition, most citizens should receive a one-time aid payment of $ 600.

However, Trump is calling, among other things, to increase the payment to $ 2,000 per capita, for which he has indicated that he could veto the legislative package. “Republicans have to stop gambling while Americans are starving,” Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said on Twitter.

Despite the expiration of the crown’s aid, Trump formally has until early January to put the law into effect with his signature or veto. However, the stimulus package also approved part of the federal government budget. A law on provisional financing of the business will expire on Monday. If Trump does not sign the legislative package by then, the administration would first have to suspend his business, leading to the so-called shutdown.

“In just a few days, government funding will run out, putting vital services and salaries of the military at risk,” Biden warned. Since taking office on January 20, Biden also wants to campaign for another stimulus package to contain the pandemic and stimulate the economy.
