USA: Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s assistant – ridiculous, shameless, extremely dangerous


The world mocks Rudy Giuliani and overlooks what Trump’s lawyer is doing. The president of the United States could greatly reward you for your fight against reality.

After returning from vacation, I was immediately faced with the same dilemma as Donald Trump in Washington. And I’m afraid Trump made a better decision than I did.

It was Wednesday morning and the question for both of us was: go to Rudy’s house or not?

Rudy Giuliani, who has been Trump’s personal attorney for two and a half years, has become the main character and joke of the big show to challenge the American election. You may have seen some episodes of the charade: How he spoke so furiously himself at a press conference while distorting reality that hair dye was running down his cheeks with sweat.

Or how Trump announced a big press conference at the Four Seasons luxury hotel in Philadelphia, but Giuliani then held court in the industrial area in the parking lot of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping daycare center between the adult bookstore and the crematorium.

Industrial zone instead of luxury hotel: Giuliani's press conference in Philadelphia on November 7.  (Source: Reuters / Eduardo Munoz)Industrial zone instead of luxury hotel: Giuliani’s press conference in Philadelphia on November 7. (Source: Eduardo Munoz / Reuters)

These appearances are symbols of the absurdity of the play that is supposed to present the loser Trump as the winner. In court, Rudy Giuliani, 76, the once revered mayor of New York, meanwhile, collects gossip after gossip.

Rudy, the joke character. A hit for American late-night comedians or German jokes. However, I see it as more than a joke. It tells us something crucial about the situation in the United States.

And that’s why I finally went to see him on Wednesday morning. He went to Gettysburg in southern Pennsylvania, where one of the bloodiest and most decisive battles of the Civil War was once fought. 157 years later, Rudy Giuliani wanted to campaign against the alleged electoral fraud there.

Billed as an event by the Pennsylvania Senate, the date turned out to be a gathering of Republicans loyal to Trump at a hotel.

Trump himself even wanted to appear on Giuliani’s side. It would have been his first real trip since the electoral defeat. It had been secretly planned and only canceled at the last minute. Because news emerged that an employee who was closely related to Giuliani had fallen ill with Covid.

I only found out when I was already there. He had also wavered with the trip, on the one hand by Corona, which is still treated as a dizziness from the left in events in Trump’s orbit. And also because Giuliani’s circus is a bit stupid for me with its increasingly crazy theories, in good German. But sometimes you just have to go where it hurts the most.

In Gettysburg, in front of the hotel, I found this scene: two hundred protesters, Trump flags, a man in a bathrobe had a cardboard image of Biden drawn in front of his face and a large sign: Where am I? Of course, the confused are always the others.

The battle cries were “God bless Trump!” and “Stop the Steal!” (the alleged theft of the election), the microphone was turned, there were screams and cries. One woman said she was inspired that Jesus Christ would descend to Philadelphia over the weekend, right where Rudy claims to have identified the biggest Democrats’ voter fraud.

In other words, it was the usual Trump insanity.

It was fired again from the inside, where Giuliani was applauded and cheered as he marched into the ballroom and then threw numbers and accusations. I do not want to go into details, only to emphasize that there is still no evidence of fraud that has influenced the outcome of the elections.

He produced a dozen witnesses who claimed to have seen strange things at the polling stations, if only he had taken them to court, where he had crashed in Pennsylvania over the weekend with his objections to the election result. Here in the parallel world, he repeatedly earned applause and laughter. In the middle he said: “I know about thieves.”

There was laughter, but not from him.

The appearance didn’t cause scorn and headlines around the world, but it was even more important: it was the crystallization of Rudy Giuliani’s hustle and bustle as a tireless fog machine. He does not want to reveal anything, but to question. Giuliani and Trump know they have no chance to change the results in court. That is not the goal either.

The objective is to instill the stab in the legend of the back in the followers. If individual points are disproved, it doesn’t hurt, because there are always enough other alleged inconsistencies buzzing around the room. That is the Giuliani method. Throw everything away, something will stick.

It is critical to ensuring that the alleged theft of the election is now stored as one of the great conspiracy theories in the memory of many Americans: Kennedy assassination, moon landing, 2020 election.

Giuliani performing at Gettysburg: High demand for political fantasies.  (Source: AP / dpa / Julio Cortez)Giuliani performing at Gettysburg: High demand for political fantasies. (Source: Julio Cortez / AP / dpa)

Most Republicans believe that the election was not made with the right things. It is the largest mortgage ever to be assumed by election winner Joe Biden – a large part of the country will never recognize him as the rightful president.

Giuliani has long been Trump’s fog bomb man. The whole Ukraine business and impeachment would not have happened without him. It was Giuliani who left no stone unturned by calling Biden corrupt through his son’s business in Ukraine. This is how he now faces the elections. Ballots were withdrawn in Pittsburgh, votes from dead citizens in Detroit were smuggled into Philadelphia. Dark interests in Venezuela and a company in Frankfurt am Main should also be involved.

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Giuliani and Trump, both born in New York in the 1940s, are cut from the same fabric. Rudy Like Trump, he is not masterful, but shameless.

He let a Russian spy whisper alleged revelations about Biden. During late-night appearances on Fox News, in the run-up to his not always giving up alcohol, he talks head and neck from the point of view of many, but Trump’s bubble sees a hero fearlessly confronting everybody. In this world you will be rewarded if you don’t let trivia like shame or truth stop you when you attack your opponent.

Politics and the public secure approval and quotas for each other day after day by demonizing the opposite political side. On the other hand, these stories do not contain opponents, but traitors to the country. And, of course, traitors to the fatherland are also trusted to rig an election. There is a great demand for Giuliani fantasies.

For me, the story of Rudy Giuliani is not so much the downfall of a former American hero, but an expression of the brutalization of morals in the political public, which rewards shamelessness. The main thing is that it appears.

At the end of the Gettysburg performance, which, due to the coronavirus, preferred to go with the flow outside in the parking lot, Giuliani’s colleague held her phone up to the microphone. Trump himself was on the line.

The phone joker, connected directly from the Oval Office, whispered once more that he had clearly won the election. Before hanging up after ten minutes, I wanted to pay tribute to another man: Rudy.

He praised him four times as the greatest mayor New York has ever had. Then Trump said: “But this will be his brilliant achievement because he is saving our country.”

It should come as no surprise that Trump forgives Giuliani, now in the crosshairs of the Manhattan prosecutor he once led, as a precautionary measure during the last few meters in office. Or simply award him with the President’s Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. Trump knows what he owes him.
