USA: Biden wins election with 306 voters, according to US media


reThe newly elected president of the United States, Joe Biden, won the election, according to the latest television networks, by exactly the same margin as the now defeated Donald Trump four years ago. By calculations, Biden has 306 voters, significantly more than the 270 needed to win.

In the election dispute, however, there is mounting pressure on Trump, who does not want to acknowledge the result. Several US authorities rejected the rumors he had spread about electoral fraud, claiming that it was the safest vote in US history.

Broadcasters CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS predicted on Friday that Democrat Biden would win the state of Georgia and Republican Trump the state of North Carolina. These were the last two states that had yet to declare a winner in Tuesday’s election last week. Georgia had gone to Trump in the 2016 election. More recently, Democrats secured the state for themselves in 1992 under Bill Clinton.

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Trump won the 2016 election with Biden’s current expected outcome against then-rival Hillary Clinton: he had 306 voters at the time, Clinton had 232. Trump now also has 232 according to broadcasters’ forecasts. In 2016 he had a “landslide victory”. even though he had the largest number of voters in the states, but nationally, nearly three million fewer votes than Clinton.

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In the national electoral vote, Biden is more than five million ahead of Trump: the Democrat has almost 78 million votes (50.8 percent), the Republican 72.7 million (47.5 percent). The president of the United States is only indirectly elected by the people. The votes of the electors decide the composition of the electoral college, which then elects the president in December. A candidate needs a majority of the 538 electorate to win.

Trump has yet to admit defeat

So far, Trump has refused to admit defeat and is posing as the victim of massive electoral fraud. Trump’s lawyers have filed lawsuits in several states but have not provided any evidence of large-scale electoral fraud or errors. Several US officials announced Thursday that the November 3 elections were the safest in US history.

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In the United States, it is common for presidential elections to be decided on the basis of the forecasts of the mainstream media, usually on election night. Official results sometimes come much later. Due to the corona pandemic, millions of Americans had voted by letter this year, so the vote count took longer.

Trump now expects greater support from his supporters. Before the demonstrations planned for this Saturday in the capital Washington against the alleged electoral fraud, Trump announced on Twitter that he was considering whether to “come and say hello.” Trump wrote on Friday that he was encouraged by “all the tremendous support out there, especially for the naturally occurring demonstrations across the country.” Unable to provide evidence, the president repeated his accusation: “This election was rigged.”

Pro-Trump marches announced for Saturday

Under the slogan “Stop the Steal”, several groups have called for a “March for Trump” this Saturday in central Washington. A demonstration will lead to the headquarters of the Supreme Court of the United States. Antifa groups have called for a protest against the rally by Trump supporters.

Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro said on Fox News on Friday: “We in the White House continue to act under the assumption that there will be a second term for President Trump.” White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany also said Friday. on Fox Business: “I think the president will be present at his own inauguration.” The question was whether Trump would come to the inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2021, what will the ceremony be for the winner of the election, Joe Biden.

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The corona pandemic is spiraling out of control in the US Trump wanted to comment on the search for a vaccine on Friday (local time). The United States is recording new highs in new infections with the coronavirus every day. 153,496 cases were recorded Thursday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on Friday. That was around 10,000 more than the day before. The United States recorded the highest number of cases of virus infection in the 24 hours after the onset of the pandemic.

More recently, Trump had spoken on Thursday of last week during the ongoing vote recount at a press conference at the White House. Once again he had declared himself the winner of the elections and said: “If legal votes count, I win easily.” On Wednesday, Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia in pouring rain on Veterans Day, but had not commented.

China also congratulates Biden

For the first time, China congratulated Biden and future Vice President Kamala Harris. Unlike others, the leadership in Beijing had been repressed with official congratulations. “We respect the choice of the United States people and convey our congratulations to Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris,” a State Department spokesman said Friday. It is understood that the outcome of the US elections will be determined in accordance with US laws and procedures. Relations between China and the United States had deteriorated significantly during the Trump presidency.

In a statement issued by representatives of the cybersecurity agency of the Department of Homeland Security and the associations of state election officials, he said: “There is no evidence that a voting system has removed or changed the votes, or has been compromised in any way. . “
