US: Joe Biden wins US election with 306 voters, broadcasters predict – politics


The race for the White House is finally decided:

Joe Biden 306 voters, Donald Trump 232! A week and a half after the US presidential election, television stations announced the winners in the last remaining states. According to CNN and ABC, Democrat Biden won the disputed southern state of Georgia (16 electorates), the current Trump, the swinging state of North Carolina (15 electorates).

Biden won 306 of the total of 538 electoral candidates awarded statewide. He needed at least 270 voters to win, a threshold he crossed last Saturday. Republican Trump won exactly 306 voters in 2016, even if two members of the so-called Electoral College ultimately refused to vote.

This year’s result is not yet official and is set in stone: the states have yet to certify the results.

Record of votes for Biden

According to CNN, Biden and his “running mate” Kamala Harris moved the way things are; not all votes have been counted yet. 78 million votes – a record in American history. Barack Obama had set the previous record in 2008 with around 69.5 million votes.

Notablythat election loser Trump also surpassed this number this year. The headline is currently falling short 72.7 million be right.

This bears witness to the extraordinary mobilization of voters: this year, despite the crown pandemic, more people voted than ever in the US presidential election.

As it stands, Biden won more than five million more votes than Trump nationwide. He got about 50.8 percent of the vote and Trump 47.4 percent. However, this does not influence the president’s determination: the number of voters is decisive.

Democrat Biden recaptured the democratic states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the Midwest, which Trump won in his surprise victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. In doing so, he rebuilt the so-called Blue Wall from the federal states, which form the column. vertebral column of the electoral success of the Democratic Party. Blue is the color of the American Democrats.

With Arizona and Georgia, Biden also traditionally conquered Conservative territory. In Arizona, a Democratic presidential candidate, Bill Clinton, last won in 1996, and in Georgia in 1992, Clinton too.

Republican Trump failed to win a state compared to 2016. But he defended several swing states in dispute with Florida, Iowa, North Carolina and Ohio, and destroyed the hopes of Democrats to succeed in the Republican stronghold of Texas. The sheer absolute number of Trump voters also shows how popular the president is among broad sections of the population.

Trump almost admits defeat

In a speech in the White House rose garden on Friday, Trump actually only spoke about the progress of “Operation Warp Speed,” the American program to contain the coronavirus. However, when discussing the possibility of a blockade in the US, Trump stumbled a bit:

“This government is not going to close. Hopefully so, whatever happens in the future, who knows what government it will be, I think it will be seen. But I can assure you that this government is not going to close. “

For the first time after the elections, Trump has shown doubts about the certainty of the victory he has shown so far. While the president no longer seems completely convinced of another four years in the Oval Office, his trade adviser Peter Navarro explains on Fox News: “We in the White House continue to act under the assumption that there will be a second term for President Trump.” .

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany also said Friday on Fox Business: “I think the president will be present at his own inauguration.” The question was whether Trump would come to the inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2021. Become the ceremony for election winner Joe Biden.

So far, Trump has refused to admit defeat and presents himself as the victim of massive electoral fraud.

His attorneys have filed lawsuits in several states, but have provided no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud or errors. Several US officials announced Thursday that the November 3 elections were the safest in US history.

By refusing to acknowledge the result, Trump is making it difficult for the election winner, Biden, to take office. So far, the government and administration have not worked with the Democrat’s transition team.

Voters will cast their votes in their states on December 14. The result must be confirmed by the United States Congress on January 6.
