US elections: Biden wants to meet Jacob Blake’s family – politics


On November 3, 2020, Americans will elect their president. Will it be Donald Trump again? Or will Joe Biden, who won the Democratic primary, win? All news and updates at a glance:

Biden wants to meet Jacob Blake’s family in Kenosha

Thursday, September 3: During his visit to Kenosha, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden plans to meet with members of the family of the black man Jacob Blake who was shot by police. This was announced by a spokesperson for Biden’s election campaign team. Biden plans to meet with community members in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Thursday.

The US Presidential Election Bulletin

Blake was shot seven times in the back by police officers on August 23. According to his family, he has been a paraplegic ever since. This was followed by peaceful protests against racism and police violence in Kenosha, but also riots.

During his visit to the city on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump praised the work of the police and condemned the looting and arson during the protests as “internal terrorism.” He did not meet Blake’s family.

Wisconsin is likely to become one of the most competitive states in the November presidential election.

Facebook and Twitter report on Russian influence

Wednesday, September 2: Russia is apparently trying to influence the outcome of the upcoming US elections through social media. Facebook and Twitter reported that they blocked a small network of accounts and sites on advice from the United States’ national intelligence agency, the FBI. The accounts are said to have spread disinformation from the Russian Internet Research Academy. As the New York Times and the british guardian reported, the campaign had a significantly smaller reach than comparable Russian disinformation campaigns before the last US elections in 2016.

Nathaniel Gleicher, head of Facebook’s security department, reported that the company had blocked a total of 13 accounts on a network. Only a small part of the content was aimed at US users. The Russian campaign was aimed at spreading false information on the left wing, Gleicher said. According to the New York Times, the 13 accounts had only about 14,000 total followers.

Following a lead from the FBI, Twitter removed a total of five accounts that the company said were connected to “Russian state actors.” “The accounts had little effect,” wrote Twitter.

The Russian Internet Research Academy was the main group behind a concerted campaign to influence the 2016 US elections on Facebook. The extent of Russian influence on social media became known only after the elections, several million users were reached by the disinformation campaign of the time.

Trump blames Democrats for destruction in Kenosha

Tuesday, September 1: US President Donald Trump has accused Democrats of failure following violent protests against racism and police violence in the city of Kenosha. He said he had offered federal officials to those responsible in the city and state of Wisconsin to control the protests. “They just didn’t want us to go and then destruction was done,” Trump said on a visit to Kenosha on Tuesday.

The city has not been calm since a police officer shot black Jacob Blake several times in the back on August 23, seriously wounding him. It should remain paralyzed. The protests since then have caused about $ 2 million in damage to city property, according to the city administration on Tuesday. A young Trump supporter allegedly shot two people on the sidelines of the protests.

Trump met with the owners of a destroyed furniture store and police officers during his visit to Kenosha on Tuesday. Kenosha was hit by riots “directed against the police and against Americans,” Trump said. “It was not a peaceful protest, it was internal terrorism.” Trump also promised $ 1 million in support of the local police force and $ 4 million in business rebuilding. The entire state of Wisconsin would receive $ 42 million for public safety.

He once again warned that if his Democratic rival Joe Biden won the election in November, other cities would suffer the same fate as Kenosha. There was no meeting scheduled with Blake’s family. One of the man’s uncle, Justin Blake, said: “We don’t need more pain and division from a president who wants to move his campaign forward at the expense of our city.” Trump’s car convoy passed under heavy police protection between supporters and opponents who kept their distance.

Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers had previously asked Trump not to visit him because it could increase tension in the city. The president himself, however, said he believed his presence in Wisconsin “would increase enthusiasm.” Wisconsin is likely to become one of the most competitive states in elections.

Trump defends Kenosha shooters

Tuesday, September 1: US President Donald Trump has defended the white shooter who is said to have shot two people during an anti-racism protest in the city of Kenosha. Trump suggested he had acted in self-defense: protesters attacked him “very violently” and “would have killed him,” Trump said Monday night (local time) at the White House. Investigations are still ongoing, he added.

Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, is charged with shooting two people and wounding another last week on the sidelines of the partially violent protests in Kenosha. Your lawyer speaks of legitimate defense. Riots broke out in the city after a police officer shot 29-year-old African-American Jacob Blake seven times in the back on August 23. The incident sparked protests against racism and police violence and riots broke out. Governor Tony Evers later dispatched the National Guard to the city.

Trump plans to visit the city of Wisconsin on Tuesday, despite the fact that the Democratic governor and the mayor of the city asked him not to come. “I am concerned that his presence only hinders our healing,” Evers wrote in an open letter Sunday. The people of Kenosha are “exhausted” in view of the recent traumatic events. In Kenosha, Trump wants to meet with representatives of the security forces, among other things. Trump had narrowly won the 2016 election in Wisconsin and hopes to re-secure the state in November.

Before the election, Trump presents himself as President of Law and Order. He accuses his Democratic challenger Joe Biden that the United States would not be safe under his command. Biden, on the other hand, recently criticized Trump in an unusually sharp speech: “This president lost all moral leadership in this country a long time ago. He cannot stop the violence, because he has fostered it for years.”

Biden: Trump should condemn all violence

Monday, August 31: In the heated climate leading up to the US presidential election, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has called on incumbent Donald Trump to condemn the violence from any political direction. “We must not become a country that is at war with itself,” Biden said.

Meanwhile, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who was constantly criticized by Trump during weeks of protests, attacked the president with harsh words. “You are the one who created hatred and division,” he told a news conference. “What the United States needs is to be arrested.” Trump reacted a few minutes later and referred to Wheeler in a Series of tweets “Crazy” and “Tonto” among others “Force is the only way to stop the violence in the high crime cities run by Democrats.”

There have been protests against racism and police violence every day in Portland for months. On Saturday, a car parade of Trump supporters drove through the city, there were clashes. Then on Sunday night, a man was shot in the city center. Police Chief Chuck Lovell cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the facts of the matter. Earlier, media reports said the man who was shot was wearing a baseball cap belonging to the right-wing group “Patriot Prayer.” Trump had once again accused Democrats of doing nothing against violence in cities on the brink of protests. He himself wants to travel to Kenosha on Tuesday to get an idea of ​​the situation there.

Biden said: “The shooting in the streets of a large American city is unacceptable. I condemn this violence unequivocally.” He rejects any kind of violence, regardless of whether it comes from the left or the right – “and I urge Donald Trump to do the same.” Biden had previously accused Trump of fueling tension in the country to mobilize voters with the message of “law and order.”
