US elections before decision: Biden expands leadership in Nevada and Pennsylvania – politics


The US elections are in the final stretch. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump still have a chance of winning. However, Joe Biden was able to double his lead in Nevada Friday night and increase it slightly in Pennsylvania. If Biden wins Pennsylvania, that would be enough for the presidency. He’s been leading there since Friday afternoon. Here’s an overview of what it looks like in the respective states:

Pennsylvania – 20 voters – Biden slightly widens his lead

Ultimately, the state in the Rust Belt could determine who wins the election. Trump was still clearly leading Wednesday with about 700,000 votes. Since the mail-in votes were counted, the lead melted. On Friday afternoon, Biden took the lead for the first time and is now about 9,000 votes ahead of Trump (0.1 percent). A large portion of the vacant ballots are in heavily democratic Philadelphia, and they have not yet been counted there. If there is a difference of 0.5 percent or less, the counting of votes is required by law.
