US: Donald Trump calls Attorney General to investigate Joe Biden


US President Donald Trump called Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate corruption against the family of his rival in the presidential election, Joe Biden. “We have to get the attorney general to act,” Trump said in a telephone interview with Fox News. “You have to act and you have to act quickly.” Barr should appoint a special investigator, Trump said: “There is significant corruption and that should be known before the election.”

The president has been alleging corruption against former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter for a long time. However, he never produced any evidence. In recent days, the New York Post published several articles linking Joe Biden to his son Hunter’s earlier deals in Ukraine and China, but the reports raised questions.

Questionable reports in “New York Post”

The tabloid published emails alleging that Hunter Biden was trying to cash in on his father’s office as vice president under Barack Obama. The newspaper also evaluated the emails as evidence that, contrary to his testimony, Joe Biden knew about his son’s controversial foreign business. Joe Biden denies that he was guilty of anything. He calls the “New York Post” articles a “smear campaign.”

The authenticity of the email has not been confirmed. How they were made public is also questionable. They are said to have been found on a laptop in a repair shop. The “New York Post” reported a week ago that it received a hard drive copy from Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s longtime personal attorney and confidant. The copy was made by the owner of the repair shop before the FBI seized the laptop in December 2019, the newspaper reported. Trump spoke Tuesday of a “laptop from hell.”

The Ministry of Justice must not be misused for “political purposes”

It is not the first time that Trump has asked his attorney general to investigate. For years, Trump has accused his competitor Biden and former President Barack Obama of spying on him during his 2016 election campaign and thus starting the Russia affair. In 2019, Attorney General Barr opened investigations, but these did not confirm the thesis.

In May, Barr, who was otherwise a loyal devotee of the president, publicly protested against the use of his authority for “political purposes” during the election campaign. He said he did not expect the investigation into the Russian probe he had ordered to affect Biden as well. Trump was then “a little surprised,” as he put it. He is accused of running a smear campaign against Biden during the election campaign. In polls, the US president has been behind the Democrat for months.

Icon: The mirror
