United States: Trump encourages his supporters to protest against the rallies, and probably wants to stop by


foreign countries United States

Trump encourages his supporters to protest against the rallies, and probably wants to stop by

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“Thin ice that Donald Trump walks on”

Current US President Donald Trump continues to refuse to admit defeat in the presidential election. Top GOP politicians are now criticizing this too.

US President Donald Trump is apparently not even thinking about admitting defeat in the US election. For Saturday, he calls his followers to another protest rally and thinks if he will “come to say hello.”

northAfter his defeat in the presidential election, incumbent Donald Trump is hoping for greater support from his supporters. A day before a rally against the alleged fraud in the Nov. 3 presidential election, Trump announced on Twitter that he was considering “come say hi.”

Trump wrote on Friday that he was encouraged by “all the tremendous support out there, especially for the naturally occurring demonstrations across the country.” Unable to provide evidence so far, the president repeated his accusation: “This election was rigged.”

Under the slogan “Stop the Steal”, several groups have called for a “March for Trump” this Saturday in central Washington. A demonstration will lead to the headquarters of the Supreme Court of the United States. Antifa groups have called for a protest against the rally by Trump supporters.

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Either way, Trump will want to appear publicly for the first time in more than a week. The White House announced that Trump would comment on the search for a vaccine on Friday at 4:00 p.m. (local time / 10:00 p.m. CET). The Republican is scheduled to appear in the Rose Garden of the White House. Trump’s Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, was declared the winner of the presidential election on Saturday according to polls and vote counts by the US media.

Trump refuses to admit defeat

So far, Trump has refused to admit defeat and is posing as the victim of massive electoral fraud. Trump’s lawyers have filed lawsuits in several states but have not provided any evidence of large-scale electoral fraud or errors. Several US officials said Thursday that the November 3 election was the safest in US history.

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FILE - This March 27, 2008 file photo shows the Pentagon in Washington.  Defense officials say a Trump loyalist and former Fox News commentator has been moved to the Pentagon's top policy post, just months after he was unable to get confirmation from the Senate due to offensive comments he made, including about the Islam.  Officials say Anthony Tata, a retired one-star Army general, will serve as undersecretary for defense policy.  (AP Photo / Charles Dharapak, file)

The White House announced that Trump would like to comment on “Operation Warp Speed.” The goal of this Trump administration operation is to provide Americans with a coronavirus vaccine as quickly as possible.

The United States is recording new highs in new infections with the coronavirus every day. 153,496 cases were recorded Thursday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on Friday. That was around 10,000 more than the day before. The United States recorded the highest number of cases of virus infection in the 24 hours after the onset of the pandemic.

The White House also clings to the representation that Trump won the election and is about to enter his second term. “I think the president will be present at his own inauguration,” spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said on Fox Business News on Friday. The question was whether Trump would attend the inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2021, what will the ceremony be for the winner of the election, Joe Biden.

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Will there be soon

Trump last appeared on Thursday of last week during the ongoing vote count. He had once again declared himself the winner of the elections and said: “If the legal votes count, I win easily.”
