Twitter Blocks “New York Post” Articles About Biden, Receives Criticism


foreign countries Alleged revelations

“New York Post” article blocked: Republicans want to summon Twitter boss

| Reading time: 4 minutes

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The “New York Post” claims to have found explosive information on Joe Biden, but the sources are unclear.

Those: pa / Newscom / JIM WATSON

A newspaper published an article that allegedly revealed Joe Biden, the authenticity of the sources has been questioned. Therefore, Twitter prevents the text from linking and therefore calls Republicans to the scene.

reThe dispute over blocked articles on Twitter intensified with alleged revelations about US presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son. President Donald Trump’s Republicans announced Thursday that they wanted to summon Twitter boss Jack Dorsey to the Senate and accused the short message service of “censorship.”

“This is electoral interference and we are 19 days away from an election,” said Conservative Sen. Ted Cruz. “Twitter is abusing its corporate power to silence the press and cover up accusations of corruption.” Therefore, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Tuesday to summon Twitter boss Dorsey for next Friday.

The background for this is the conservative tabloid “New York Post” reporting on Trump’s election challenger, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter. According to its own information, the blade gained access to data from a laptop that Hunter Biden once used. The newspaper claims to have found data that should show that Hunter Biden used his father’s position for his business in Ukraine in 2015, who at the time was the US vice president responsible for his country’s Ukraine policy.

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Specifically, it is primarily an email that, according to the “New York Post,” was sent in May 2015 by Wadym Poscharskji, an advisor to the Burisma gas company, on whose supervisory board Hunter Biden sat. The recipient is said to have been Hunter Biden. In the email, Poscharskji thanks him “for the invitation to DC and the opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. It was really an honor and a pleasure ”.

The wording makes it unclear whether Poscharskji actually knew Joe Biden. A spokesperson for Biden’s campaign team emphasized in a statement to the Politico website: “We checked Joe Biden’s official hours as of this time, and there was never a meeting, as the New York Post claimed.”

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It is also unclear whether these and other emails are genuine. Experts see several red flags that raise questions about authenticity – for example, whether the laptop really belonged to Hunter Biden, as Nina Jankowicz of the independent research center Wilson Center in Washington says. Biden’s election campaign team and his attorney did not initially comment.

The involvement of another Trump confidant, Steve Bannon, also casts doubt on the entire story. This is said to have caused the “New York Post” to know about the emails first. He has been involved in spreading stories about Biden and Ukraine in the past. “We should see it as a product of the Trump campaign team,” Jankowicz said.

Twitter initially referred to the “piracy” rules as justification.

Twitter and Facebook blocked links to publish the article after it was published. “This is part of our standard procedure against spreading misinformation,” Facebook said.

As justification, Twitter initially referred to rules against the dissemination of information obtained through “piracy” and containing private data. The report, which also showed images of alleged emails, does not provide sufficient clarity on the origin of the published material.

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Twitter boss Dorsey later expressed regret at the poor “communication” about the platform’s approach. It is also “unacceptable” to block Internet links “without any context” for justification.

President Trump described the actions of the online platforms as “appalling” on Wednesday night. He also told his followers that the Twitter account of his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was blocked after she shared the New York Post article.

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Trump, who lags far behind Biden in polls less than three weeks before the presidential election, has been trying for months to portray his rival as corrupt. The accusations against the Bidens were even the starting point for the impeachment process against the president last year.

In June 2019, Trump urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi to investigate corruption against the Bidens and Burismas. The American Democrats accused Trump of abuse of power and began an impeachment process. In the conservative-dominated Senate, however, the president was acquitted last February.

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The “New York Post” report was quickly met with great suspicion. The “New York Post” has stated that it obtained the data through Trump’s private attorney, Rudy Giuliani. It is a copy of a hard drive made by a repair shop owner, while the laptop itself was confiscated by federal police last December. Giuliani has searched Ukraine for incriminating material against Biden and, among other things, has repeatedly encountered a politician classified by the United States Treasury as an agent of Russia.
