TV showdown Trump Biden: last TV battle before US elections – foreign policy


Third and final television battle for the White House!

Less than two weeks before the election, US President Donald Trump (74) and challenger Joe Biden (77) will meet again live in front of millions of viewers that night. Location: the city of Nashville in the state of Tennessee.

The first duel between the two ended in a chaos of speeches, a second meeting originally had to be canceled due to Trump’s crown illness, instead the two simultaneous city councils held a long-distance duel. To avoid further chaos, this time the candidates’ microphones are on display when their opponent speaks.

Things Americans are particularly excited about:

► Will Donald Trump take his opponent to the parade despite the new rules? And can you score to catch up on national polls?

►Can Joe Biden, 77, whom Trump accuses of being senile, concentrate for two hours?

► What will Trump say about the growing number of new corona infections?

►How will Biden react to accusations of corruption against his son Hunter (50), who allegedly took advantage of his father’s position as vice president of Barack Obama (59) to do lucrative business in China and Ukraine?

The debate is divided into six topics: the fight against Covid-19, American families, the racial conflict in the United States, climate change, national security and leadership style.

At 9:05 pm (local time) the two candidates took the stage. Trump in a blue suit and red tie. Biden also in a blue suit with a blue tie.

“How will you rule the country in the next phase of the pandemic?” Is the first question from NBC presenter Kristen Wilker.

Trump lists his supposed accomplishments: “2.2 million people should die,” he says. Instead, it is much less. The death rate has also dropped by 85 percent.

TV-Duell Trump Biden: Letzte TV-Schlacht vor der US-WahlPhoto: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP

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Then he explains: “We will have a vaccine in a few weeks. It will be distributed very quickly ”. And: “The virus will disappear. 99 percent of young people recover. I myself was affected. I am immune! “

Therefore, his plan is to reopen the country. And then this attack: “We can’t lock ourselves in the basement like Joe does.”

Biden: “It’s going to be a dark winter.”

Joe Biden sees it very differently: “220,000 Americans have died. Whoever is responsible for so many deaths should no longer be the president of the United States. ”

Biden also warns: “We will go through a dark winter. And there is no prospect of a vaccine for most Americans before the middle of next year. ”

Biden, therefore, wants to open the country safely: social distancing in companies and offices. Plexiglass in restaurants …

You can see that this time the debate is much more controlled and civilized. Donald Trump also seems much calmer this time than in the first duel. At least until now. He responded to Biden’s accusations: “China brought the virus here. It’s not my fault”

Next topic: national security and the interference of Russia and now Iran in the American elections.
