Tübingen: Corona model project fails – Boris Palmer sees himself as the victim of a complaint


  • Katja thorwarth

    fromKatja thorwarth

    to turn off

The green mayor Boris Palmer is released in Tübingen. However, the incidence of corona increases. The images of the enemy entered are the culprits. A comment.

Boris Palmer, the green mayor of Tübingen, is on everyone’s lips again. Already at the start of the crown pandemic, he had cleverly portrayed himself to the fore (“We can save people who would be dead in six months anyway”), only to perform the usual Palmerian twist soon after: all just a misunderstanding or “misleading”. “.

The trick of the grandsons of Tübingen brought you one or another negative headline, one or another appearance in Markus Lanz; However, with his model project, he is currently trying to influence national politics. Not only that he doesn’t believe in strict measures: in the Swabian university town, dreams of a life almost like in pre-Crown times have come true in Crown times. And Palmer wouldn’t be Palmer if he wasn’t partying from morning to morning for this.

Corona: Mayor Boris Palmer praises his model project Tübingen

Not a day goes by without the city of Tübingen not shining in the sunlight on Palmer’s Facebook page and being praised as a model of success. Of course, everyone wants to go to Tübingen, eat schnitzel in the open air with wheat beer and spaetzle, and then go shopping until the doctor arrives. Because that’s just how smart they are there – get a taste of what’s happening and you can live like God in 2019. In the middle, the only sobering information is the information for those in the darkness of Corona: “Don’t travel to Tübingen today . Tickets are already sold out. “

But of course there is still no overcrowding, because, as a press release says, the flow of visitors “last Saturday” (March 27, 2021) remained “within an acceptable range”: “The overcrowding of the city, that could be feared without any control measure, it was avoided. It was always possible to maintain a sufficient distance ”. Perfect.

Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer blames “young people”

The fact that the gray clouds suddenly move over the city of Swabia, that is, in the form of an incidence number, has nothing to do with it, but nothing at all. From Thursday to Sunday the value almost doubled from 35 to 66.7, although everything is going so well. That is why Boris Palmer, aka “Sarrazin the Greens”, identifies the real culprits.

As a result, her supermodel project Corona is being unimaginatively destroyed by the “youngsters” who, incidentally, have been used as partying egotists since the beginning of the pandemic. “Hundreds of young people are already gathering in Österbergwiese … If our model project fails because viruses are distributed at night, not only Karl Lauterbach will say that only the closure will help.” That is almost impossible in all German cities. It only occurs in Tübingen, which people (including old people, by the way) collect in the open air.

Corona model project in Tübingen: Boris Palmer rejects all blame

But it cannot be what it should not be. And because the party faction as the guilty party is a bit weak on argumentation alone, there were also additional refugees, or a crown outbreak at an initial reception center. Clean, Mr. Palmer. Due to the beggars in the crown’s showcase, the impression was almost created that the mayor, who describes himself as “anti-anti-racist,” is no longer provoking sympathetic and left-wing do-gooders as a core business. But no way.

After all, we are talking about meetings of three kinds. One is Palmer’s idea, the other is young and informed in perpetrator mode, and the third probably paid very little attention to him. But it would be even nicer to question one’s failure and not use any images of the common enemy today as surrogate guilty parties. That would be at the expense of German comfort, which is celebrated in a populist way, and Palmer does not allow that to happen.

Crown in Tübingen: Boris Palmer becomes a victim and talks about “reporting”

P.S: Generally, a comment is not updated, but a postscript is allowed. Boris Palmer is too negligent with the concept of denunciation, more precisely in denunciation. “There is probably no one who denounces me as constantly as the FR columnist,” which is probably what I meant. As evidence, in addition to the comment above, you provide allegations of sexism that were available to you prior to publication and that were asserted. But to give tuition to the mayor of a university town: Denuncia, used here verbally, means “report” to a higher-level institution.

Another meaning would be, according to Duden, someone “to present as negative, mark, publicly condemn.” In doing so, Palmer simply discredits the journalistic type of text commentary, while denying his own actions at the same time. This is a verifiable basis and you cannot disguise your turn as an alleged victim of complaint. (Katja Thorwarth)
