Trump’s Propaganda Force: Resistance to the US Election Outcome


GRAMMuch of the Republicans have so far refused to accept the election of Joe Biden as president. While most representatives and senators in Congress have their own position in mind and support Trump with somewhat more general statements, several tried and tested loyalists are doing Trump’s new business in addition to his children: fighting fraud. mass electoral, obviously fictitious, which is also controlled by the Republican. The authorities have rejected it several times. These are the people Trump trusts in his crusade against the outcome:

Eric, Ivanka, and Donald junior: tireless fundraisers

“Have a bit of a backbone,” Eric Trump said on Twitter the day after the election. “This fraud” must now be resolutely fought. His father’s voters would never forgive Republicans for being “sheep” now. Brother Donald Junior adopted a similar tone, especially the “2024 contenders” among Republicans should not “crawl” to the media. So, those who are already looking for their chances in the next presidential election. Since then, both of Trump’s sons have been tirelessly spreading requests for donations to the legal campaign against “voter fraud” in last week’s presidential election. They want to keep the rank and file happy by putting them in the mood for the masses of “whistleblowers” who would soon prove that the Democrats “stole” Trump’s election victory. Daughter Ivanka only posted a tweet on the matter, in which she noted that only “legal” votes should be counted. This is a no-brainer, but it is now part of Trump’s language. It is intended to suggest that massive amounts of “illegal” votes were cast when Joe Biden was elected president on November 3.
