Trump now at “war” with the Republicans? Speculation on a multi-million dollar “kingmaker” scheme


Not even his own party supports Donald Trump. He cannot forgive betrayal. And it threatens the main Republicans.

  • On January 6, Vice President Mike Pence must certify the results of the election, a purely representative act as president of the Senate.
  • The outgoing US president continues to act against his defeat and increasingly directs his anger at his fellow party members.
  • Trump * and his party appear to be distancing themselves.

Update as of December 25, 9 pm: Donald Trump is now openly in conflict with parts of Republican Party – even if it has not yet “declared war” on the “Great Old Party”, as one American media headlined (see first report). Still, it is likely that the most current Reports from Camp Trump disgusted Republicans: The outgoing US president is apparently in the process of building his own “apparatus,” possibly also to force unwanted “friends of the party” out of their electoral posts with the help of mass campaigns.

Trump is about to set human “goals” for them Republican primaries For him Midterm elections in 2020 the portal reported Politician. Trump has already launched a $ 5 million “blitzkrieg” campaign to urge Republican state governments to take more action against recognition of the election result. The president’s advisers told the website that Senator Brian Kemp (Georgia), John thune (South Dakota) and Lisa murkowski (Alaska) is already getting more attention. However, it is not yet clear whether Trump will attempt to remove her from office, or from the Republican nomination list, in 2022.

It is also possible that Triumph I’m going to try it well-intentioned applicants Hire specifically for mandates. Politician he also wants to have learned from Trump’s environment that the current president wanted to leave after his departure White House play a “kingmaker” role in the Republican Party, selecting the “favored candidates.” A separate “Political Action Committee” may be created for this purpose. In the back, Trump reportedly has a generous budget for this – $ 200 million is said to have been raised since the election.

Trump filmed against his own fellow party members at his Christmas residence and it got personal: “I’ll never forget it.”

First report: Washington – Thick air between Donald trump and the Republican Party. In the last weeks after the 2020 U.S. elections the relationship between the outgoing US president and his own party has deteriorated significantly. This is remarkable to the extent that observers witnessed the party of the so-called Trumpism have been absorbed. Until of “Great old party” only one skeleton will remain.

That is not necessarily wrong. However, it is also a fact that numerous republican left the sunken ship of the president. The decision of the Republican Majority Leader was undoubtedly a blow of the trumpet Mitch McConnell * – and most powerful Republican – the election of Democrat Joe Biden for the 46th President of the United States to publicly accept it.

Donald Trump and the Republicans: Old Allies Are Crumbling: Trump is furious on Twitter

Donald trump He does not seem to forgive his fellow party members for this. the US-Kongress is currently falling into chaos in the fight for it Corona Support Package. At the crucial moment for Republicans Senate Elections in Georgia * sets traps by crumbling faith in their own voice of vote, while those running for office Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler They urgently need the votes of Republican voters. And recently i did Donald trump He regularly vents his anger on Twitter.

“I have at least 8 Republican senators, including Mitch, saved from defeat in the last rigged election (for the president). Now they sit (almost everyone) and watch me fight a wicked and vicious enemy, the radical left democrats. I will never forget that! “

US President Wants to Destroy Republican Careers – Senator John Thune off White List

The tweet comes from December 25, and thus apparently directly from his residence at Mar-a-Lagowhere the Trumps spend Christmas. However, the Christmas holidays seem to have the minds of Presidents of United States not calm down. Rawstory, an American tabloid even headlined: “Trump Officially Announces War Against Them Republican Party* to “. That the Republicans: within the Senate * Joe biden Trump, widely accepted as US presidents-elect, apparently cannot forgive them.

Especially John thune, US Republican State Senator South Dakota* currently tops Trump’s target list. Business magazine Forbes and the US online newspaper. The hill He wrote that Trump had already announced that he would destroy several political careers. He tweeted about Thune: “South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be removed from office in 2022, his political career is over !!! “Thune had Biden as president-elect of the United States recognized and accusations of corruption US elections * rejected. In 2022, Midterm elections a.

Vice President Mike Pence: Trump asks you to reject the electoral body’s result

After numerous legal defeats Donald trump himself in his fight for the United States Election the senate versus. Waiting for one of the senators to see the outcome of the Electoral body Getting closer. What has not happened so far. Hurricane trumpy also focuses on the Vice President Mike Pence. As recently reported on CNN, Trump lamented his vice president’s lack of commitment against the – unproven – Electoral fraud of the Democrats. He then called Pence as vice president, and therefore as president of the Senate, via Twitter at that time. Result of the electoral commission of January 6 not be certified. Which, according to CNN, is simply not possible.

Pence’s actions today and for the next two weeks will determine whether he is the favorite for 2024 or a traitor to the patriotic ranks. It’s that simple, ”tweeted a loyal Trump supporter. Mike Pence * Prospects of a potential Candidate for President of the United States in 2024 and the support of the party rank and file could come through their role in the handover Joe Biden * therefore, suffer permanent damage.

Trump demands loyalty to Mike Pence: wants to leave the US in January

According to sources from the US station, Trump has this proposal Mike pence submitted – and was “surprised” why his vice couldn’t do that. It is true that Pence and others tried to show you the merely representative nature of this task; apparently unsuccessful. On Tuesday, Pence had last spoken to a group of young conservatives about the White House* proceed against the results until “all illegal voting is eliminated.” This was reported by, among others Washington Post. However: January 6, 2021 Mike pence prior to congress step and Joe biden when president-elect of the United States to confirm. Soon after, Pence plans to leave the United States. (also known as) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Donald Trump continues to use his power. Now he forgave numerous highly controversial people. Explosive: they are parts of the Russia affair and Blackwater mercenaries.

Rubriklistenbild: © Evan Vucci / dpa
