Trump mobilizes against Silicon Valley corporations


meThe US government has launched another frontal attack on Internet companies such as Facebook and Twitter: the Department of Justice has now presented a bill intended, among other things, to avoid alleged censorship of these types of online platforms.

Roland lindner

It follows a decree from President Donald Trump in May that went in a similar direction. Trump regularly complains that companies are biased against him and repress conservative political positions in his services.

Specifically, the ministry’s draft, like Trump’s decree, provides for a redesign of Section 230, part of a law that was passed in the 1990s. Section 230 protects online platforms from being held liable for the content of its users. On the other hand, it also gives them a wide margin of maneuver to decide what content to allow and what not.

Meeting with the attorneys general

The new bill revolves around both. First, companies should be more responsible in the future if they allow “criminal content” on their services.

The second point refers to the alleged censorship. And above all there is a political explosive in it, because: According to the will of the ministry, there should be restrictions on the removal of content in the future to avoid “arbitrary decisions.”
