Trade dispute breaks out: strong nerves in demand: Dow Jones is saved in the plus Message


On Wall Street, the Dow Jones went downhill for a long time in Monday’s session. Only in late trade the leading US index. USA It rose above the zero line, where it closed 0.11 percent firmer at 23,749.76 points. The continued rise in oil prices would have caused optimism regarding economic development, distributors said.

Crown crisis: United States vs. China

In a Western intelligence document, China is strongly encouraged to face the pandemic. According to the media, the file documents the Chinese authorities’ cover-up and indicates a risky investigation in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the new corona virus first appeared in December.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday there was “significant” evidence that the crisis started in that laboratory. Previously had President of the United States Donald trump The corresponding speculations have been provoked and threatened again with a trade war and new sanctions. China has rejected the accusations and sees it as a “distraction maneuver” by the United States of its “own inability” to combat the pandemic.

Market analyst Milan Cutkovic of AxiTrader said it was probably a mistake to think that the trade crisis was just a “relic of the old days” due to the virus crisis. Therefore, investors had to have strong nerves in the coming weeks.

Weak economic data

Bad news from the economy also came: Orders to American industrial companies plummeted in March as a result of the Corona crisis. Companies received 10.3 percent fewer orders than in the previous month. This is the strongest monthly decline ever measured. Analysts had expected a significant drop, but estimated it was an average of 9.5 percent.

Loosening the crown does not work smoothly

However, easing regulatory requirements in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic is not working smoothly in some states. The warm climate pushes people in the United States to the streets and generates more and more conflicts with law enforcement officers. Meanwhile, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, insists that the conditions be ended quickly to stop the historical economic recession.

Editorial Office / Dow Jones Newswires / dpa-AFX

Image sources: Ionana Davies /, Frontpage /
