The US election campaign reaches a critical point: Trump: He may have to leave the country


In the electoral campaign against his challenger Biden, the president of the United States, Trump, does not beat around the bush. The “New York Times” feels compelled to address an urgent appeal to the voters. Meanwhile, Trump jokes that if he loses, he might have to disappear from the United States.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, apparently is the same again after his illness by Covid 19. In an electoral campaign event in the American state of Georgia, he not only faced Joe Biden, his rival in the next presidential election. The president also joked that if he loses he might have to leave the country, according to the news magazine “Newsweek”.

“I shouldn’t be kidding,” said Trump, who, in his opinion, is running “against the worst candidate in the history of American politics.” This also puts pressure on him. What should he do if he loses? Trump asked the crowd. If you were to admit defeat, “it won’t feel so good.” “Maybe I have to leave the country, I don’t know,” he said amid the laughter of his followers.

According to the magazine, Trump also mocked the corona virus precautions that apply to Biden’s public appearances.

Trump: “the Biden family is a criminal enterprise”

The Republican also fired at his rival in Ocala, Florida. “Joe Biden is a corrupt politician,” he said during a campaign appearance. “And the Biden family is a criminal enterprise.”

Meanwhile, “New York Times” commentators asked voters in a disturbing opinion piece to vote for Trump, who was not worthy of his office. The article was not published in connection with Trump’s recent remarks, but in view of his nearly four-year term. Trump’s re-election efforts were “the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II,” writes the Editorial Board, a group of commentators that works independently of the American newspaper’s newsroom. “The enormity and variety of Mr. Trump’s offenses can be overwhelming. The repetition has dulled feelings of outrage and the accumulation of new emotion leaves little time to go into detail.”

Trump’s appearance in Florida is another example of his kind of overriding rules and customs as president. The 74-year-old man accused his rival and his family of getting rich “while America was robbed.” Trump described the “mainstream media” as “enemies of the people” and accused them of failing to report on “the world’s greatest story”, referring to the alleged corruption of Democrat Biden. Trump supporters chanted “Lock him up” when Biden’s name was mentioned – this was the catchphrase that Trump supporters had used in the election campaign four years ago to challenge Hillary Clinton.

Biden denies corruption allegations

Trump has been raising corruption allegations against former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter for a long time and without proof, which have now been fired by the “New York Post” tabloid. In recent days, the newspaper attempted in several articles to link Joe Biden to his son Hunter Biden’s earlier deals in Ukraine and China. The newspaper published emails that allegedly would prove Hunter Biden was trying to cash in on his father’s office as vice president under Barack Obama. The newspaper also evaluated the emails as evidence that Joe Biden, contrary to his testimony, knew about his son’s controversial foreign business. Biden denies being guilty of anything. On Friday he called the New York Post article a “smear campaign.”

The authenticity of the email has not been confirmed. How they were made public is also questionable. They are said to have been found on a laptop in a repair shop. The “New York Post” reported a week ago that it received a hard drive copy from Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s longtime personal attorney and confidant. The copy was made by the owner of the repair shop before the FBI seized the laptop in December 2019, the newspaper reported. Hunter Biden was a member of the supervisory board of the Burisma gas company between 2014 and 2019.

Trump accused Biden, among other things, of having used his position as vice president to try to protect his son from the Ukrainian judiciary. Biden rejects that. Trump wanted to get investigations in Ukraine. The conflict sparked an impeachment process against Trump, which failed in February due to a Republican majority in the Senate.

Newspaper calls Trump “racist demagogues”

Trump is behind Biden in national polls. Due to the complicated voting system, these should be treated with caution. White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany accused polling institutes of swaying public opinion with “inflated” polls.

The “New York Times” writes about Trump that “he has no real rivals as the worst American president in modern history.” Commenters deepen their allegations in other articles using the example of individual topics. Trump’s term has shown that he cannot solve the country’s most pressing problems because he is the country’s most urgent problem himself. He is a “racist demagogue”, an “isolationist” and an “eternal showman”. The “foundations of American civil society” had already collapsed before Trump announced his bid for the presidency in 2015, the article said. “But he has exacerbated the worst trends in American politics: Under his leadership, the nation has become more polarized, paranoid and petty.” It could be decades before the full extent of his misconduct comes to light. “But what is already known is quite shocking.”

The “New York Times” officially endorsed Joe Biden in early October. The editorial board of the “Washington Post” had already officially endorsed Biden and vice-candidate Kamala Harris and called Trump the “worst president of the modern era.”
