The founder sets a record, but the deal is broken


At the beginning of the new season of “Die Höhle der Löwen” there was a record. The inventor of a sustainable beauty product created it. Meanwhile, he has received a basket from investors.

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In the new episode of “Die Höhle der Löwen” appeared Fans are particularly excited at first by investor Dagmar Wöhrl. The focus was, of course, on the founders. Especially Jennifer Baum-Minkus, who wants to start a revolution in the beauty industry.

The 35-year-old quit her job overnight. “We removed the varnish from the nail polish,” the Frankfurt woman explained to the lionesses and lions. Carcinogens and the remains of mealybugs or fish scales are used in common paints, in addition to the often pungent odor.

For a year and a half he worked on a better solution. With her “gitti” nail polish, based on her mother’s name Brigitte, she had a sensational sales start last year. More than half of the paint is made up of water, plus pigments, vitamins, and substances for a longer shelf life. It is odorless and vegan and has been patented. Instead of varnish, the founder wants to establish the term nail color. The media business graduate needs “a strong partner” and her 300,000 euros, for which she offered eight percent of her company.

Sustainable cosmetics: Sustainable cosmetics: “gitti” is a vegan, water-based and odorless paint for nails. (Source: TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius)

She gets the same offer from everyone

Judith Williams painted Maschmeyer and Kofler as a test nail. Maschmeyer was impressed: “I have always resolved not to invest in cosmetics, but for me the founders are the reason to invest. They are a startup dream. I think they are world class.” Georg Kofler also saw a “global brand” and wanted to sell the idea internationally. Dagmar Wöhrl and Ralf Dümmel were also enthusiastic about the founder of “gitti”. Beauty expert Judith Williams offered on the same terms.

A record in “Die Höhle der Löwen”: never before have five lions made the same offer independently. The founder had the last word: She wanted to accept Judith Williams’ offer, but at the same time she would be happy if another investor with 50,000 euros (about 1.3 percent) joined in, she said. The male lions didn’t want to be tricked and they got out. But Dagmar Wöhrl wanted to work with the “great woman” and accept the additional offer: the record deal ended with a trio of embracing women.

Judith Williams (left), Dagmar Wöhrl, Jennifer Baum-Minkus (right): Here, the joy for the deal was still great.  (Source: TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius)Judith Williams (left), Dagmar Wöhrl, Jennifer Baum-Minkus (right): Here, the joy for the deal was still great. (Source: TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius)

“My team and I decided not to”

However, in the end, this did not happen, explains the founder of “gitti”, Baum Minkus, to “”: “After a lively exchange with Judith Williams, this deal with her did not come about for a wide variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the general agreement, in which Dagmar Wöhrl was also involved, was not implemented. ”

Judith Williams told the magazine exactly why the deal fell through: “After our deal on camera, founder Jenni Baum-Minkus wanted to get a much higher rating in subsequent discussions. That’s absolutely legitimate, but my team and I am against it. decided. “
