Stock Price Fall: Grenke in Free Fall


Paryalyzed – probably for the best. Also on Wednesday, investors and employees of the Baden-Baden finance company Grenke had to wait in vain for the announced “detailed response”. The company’s brief angry reaction the day before to the scandalous accusations of British fund manager Fraser Perring is not successful in the stock market.

Bernd Freytag

Bernd Freytag

Rhein-Neckar-Saar business correspondent based in Mainz.

Markus Frühauf

Daniel mohr

Daniel mohr

Economics editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

Klaus Max Smolka

Although Grenke has rejected his accusations “in the strongest possible way,” the share price fell a further quarter. Since Perring made the accusations on Tuesday, the stock price has fallen 44 percent.

Whether the accusations find open ears also has to do with the sender. Perring and his analytics company “Viceroy Research” have made a name for themselves as “Wirecard hunters.” At the now-insolvent Munich payment service provider, they had warned about fraud from the start. Even the fact that Perring himself is openly betting on a fall in the share price and now he’s likely made a lot of money has done nothing to his credibility.

Bulky business model

In 64 closely printed pages, the investor lists a whole series of accusations. He accuses the company’s founder, Wolfgang Grenke, of later selling privately founded foreign companies to the company at excessive prices. This has inflated the balance sheet. In addition, the cash on hand in the Bundesbank, among others, is set too high, and the leasing business is not valuable. And in at least one case, the Grenke Bank made money laundering possible.

So far, Grenke has only specifically rejected the alleged lack of liquidity. This is demonstrably incorrect, it says in the statement. As reported, 849 million euros, or almost 80 percent of liquid funds, were in the Bundesbank accounts at mid-year. The credit is currently 761 million euros.

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In detail view

Grenke reserves the right to take legal action against the allegations. A spokeswoman for Grenke justified the slow reaction with the necessary thoroughness.
