Stefan Raab’s “Famemaker” show: only the jury had fun here – TV


24 candidates, a soundproof glass dome and three jurors …

These are the ingredients of ProSieben’s new “FameMaker” program, which began Thursday night. The casting show of another kind was invented by none other than animator Raab (53).

But what actually sounded very exciting in terms of the concept quickly turned into a long magazine of issues that soon ran out of air.

So sieht die Kuppel aus! Unter dieser performen die KandidatenPhoto: ProSieben / Willi Weber

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This is what the dome looks like! Candidates act under this Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

The principle is easy to explain: the candidates sing under the glass dome. But neither in the studio nor in front of the television can you hear a single sound.

Highlights: Even jurors Carolin Kebekus (40), Luke Mockridge (31) and Teddy Teclebrhan (37) can only see the supposed young talent, but they have yet to decide for or against. Only then is it resolved: is the vote higher or flop?

Er hat die Show erfunden: Entertainer Stefan RaabPhoto: Matthias Balk / dpa

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He Invented The Show: Entertainer Stefan RaabPhoto: Matthias Balk / dpa

The hope of many viewers that Stefan Raab would take the stage himself was disappointed in the opening credits. The well-known voiceover from his cult show “total tv” jokingly announced, “He’s sitting in the principal’s office all the time and eating chips.”

For this, the trio of the jury tried to achieve a good density of gags. When a candidate with a lamp in her dress gave her best under the glass dome, Carolin Kebekus joked: “Do you know those beach bars that have something to eat until very late?” – Hoop tires in the ear?

That was very entertaining, just the singing became a minor matter. Because you only heard it when the dome was raised. Although the jurors were very curious to see if the respective participant could actually sing, this emotion was rarely transmitted to the television viewer. And whoever chose who on his team with the crowbar often got lost in the flakes.

Die Jury hatte jedenfalls SpaßPhoto: ProSieben / Willi Weber

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In any case, the jury was amused Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

So one candidate lined up after another. Therefore, the surprise effect quickly disappeared. But that could change in the next few episodes. Because then the juries have to turn their musical talents into true show business professionals.

In any case, the start failed to convince many viewers.

There is still a lot of room for improvement in this format …
