Steely social fraud: Viennese “crime scene” at a glance


Finally, murder and manslaughter on television again: the “Tatort” reports on the summer holidays for the anniversary season with a case from Vienna, and still has a lot of room for improvement. Read here why this is so.


A well-trained young man is hit by a freight train somewhere on the outskirts of Vienna. It all seems like a suicide, but the engineer is convinced: this dead man did not want to die. Although investigators Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) and Fellner (Adele Neuhauser) are not entirely convinced of the thesis at first, a number of clues support the murder theory, so the detective rushes into the fitness scene of the Austrian capital, where the dead were most active.


(Photo: ARD Degeto / ORF / Allegro Film / Hube)

“Arnis Fitness” is the name of the murdered man’s home studio, which commissioners find after a short and intense search, and both Chief Arni and his employees are neck deep in dirty activities. But contrary to expectations, illegal steroid handling represents only a small part of the bomb mafia’s business activities.

The real message

If you have too much in your arms, you are missing in your head and heart. In any case, that would be a possible interpretation of the “Tatort” season opener. The other has to do with the fact that the Austrian social system apparently has one peculiarity or another.

This is what is discussed during the lunch break.

On steel bodies, carefully cut in half by freight trains.

The plausibility factor

Anabolic Steroids in Pump Hell? Yes, sure. Social fraud of the hardened Muckib brothers? Better not. But you need a topic if you want to distract yourself from the obvious.

The review

6 out of 10 points. “Pumps” is a pretty weak start to the “Tatort” season for the show’s 50th anniversary.
