Rossmann, Lidl, Aldi & Co. with a mask requirement – this is now changing when you buy


The obligation to cover your mouth and nose applies in almost all federal states. Berlin wikll is debating a mask requirement for retailers.

For a few weeks now, retailers like Aldi, Lidl, Rewe or Edeka have relied on security companies or their own employees to enforce admission restrictions. Employees then count customers or distribute a certain number of shopping carts.

Starting Monday, they should only allow customers to enter branches with one face covered. In three internal letters, which are available to CHIP, Rewe employees are instructed to “kindly” and “definitely” inform customers of the officially ordered measures and ask them to wear a face mask.

Many branches want to provide disposable towels for free upfront.

“It is difficult for us to obtain masks in large quantities,” an employee told CHIP. “We know that customers will have difficulties at first. This is always the case with radical changes. We solve this with disposable towels.”
