Right-wing Extremism in Security Agencies: New Suspicious Cases – New Study Debate


Two new suspected cases of right-wing extremism in one day: Security authorities must face more accusations about right-wing extremist tendencies. The opposition renewed the call for a study on the subject.

According to reports from the ARD-Journals Monitor A right-wing Berlin police chat group initiated this investigation against its own employees and initiated criminal proceedings.

Racist talks with the Berlin police

A statement said there was no place for racists in the Berlin police. Police officers have taken an oath on the constitution and its ideals: “The vast majority live this, live the values ​​of our democracy and act faithfully.” Anyone who rejects, contradicts or opposes these values ​​must be aware that this will be counteracted “with all vehemence, with all legal possibilities until dismissal,” according to the Police.

Noisy Monitor More than 25 Berlin officials from a service group exchanged information via chat over a period of three years. The minutes contained racist content, hatred for those who think differently, and outright fantasies of violence.

NRW: Suspicion in protecting the constitution

After a network of far-right police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia became known about two weeks ago, reports have now emerged that the scandal has apparently spread to the protection of the constitution. Three employees of the observation team are suspected of right-wing extremism, as the state Interior Ministry announced to the “Rheinische Post”. Furthermore, a fourth person is suspected of having worked as an “administrative clerk in the police department” at the Ministry of the Interior.

The employees drew attention through videos “with an Islamophobic or xenophobic connotation” and through Facebook contacts with members of the right-wing extremist scene. The three alleged employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution were reportedly responsible for monitoring right-wing extremists, among other things.

“The affected team in the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was dissolved and the management staff changed,” the “Rheinische Post” quoted from a letter from the Ministry. Immediately after it became known, the Interior Ministry initiated disciplinary and personnel law measures, according to the report, citing a spokeswoman. Of the four processes, one has already concluded with the imposition of a disciplinary measure. The other three were still working.

Search for the inspector in Bielefeld

The far-right talks of police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia, which became known about two weeks ago, resulted in the suspension of 30 police officers.

Today, Bielefeld police also announced that another officer’s place of work and apartment had been searched. The commissioner is accused of posting far-right propaganda in the private chat group of 50 police officers. Initial investigations by the Bielefeld Police State Security Team confirmed this suspicion and the official was barred from doing business. For reasons of neutrality, the new investigations were handed over to the Münster police.

There were also cases of right-wing extremism in the Hessian police.

Disagreement about consequences

As a first countermeasure, the president of the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (BDK), Sebastian Fiedler, called for an external body that officials can turn to if there are suspicions of right-wing extremist tendencies in their professional environment. Anyone who reports a suspicion should have no professional disadvantage, says Fiedler im ARD morning magazine. There is also an EU directive prescribing such bodies.

Additionally, a study is critical to tackling right-wing extremism in security authorities, Fiedler said. You have to know what you are talking about.

The opposition also renewed its call for a study on right-wing extremism and racism in the security authorities. “The facts have to be on the table,” said Greens member of the Bundestag Irene Mihalic, who is herself a police officer, in parliament.

New round of debate on the study

Since suspected cases of racism and right-wing extremism increased in the security authorities, the SPD and the opposition have repeatedly requested this study. The Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, had always rejected this request and canceled a study originally examined by the Interior Ministry on the racist practice of “racial discrimination” in the police in early July. He justified his decision by the fact that the police prohibited “racial discrimination” anyway. Meanwhile, some federal states have expressed their intention to commission their own studies.

Mihalic accused Seehofer of being “hostile to science”. It is hurting officials who have both feet firmly on the ground of the Basic Law, he said in the Bundestag during the debate on the budget of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Left-wing MP Victor Perli stated that racist incidents in the police must be dealt with and resolved. Otherwise, trust in the institution would be lost.

In his speech on the budget to the Bundestag, Seehofer did not explicitly address the reports on the new suspected cases, but said the federal government’s line was clear: “We clarify, we do not cover up anything, we rigorously follow it and act accordingly.” Principle of ‘zero tolerance’ for right-wing extremists, regardless of the level and in which professional group “.
