Regine Günther’s upcoming defeat: SPD stops voting on climate package in Berlin Senate – Berlin


Actually, the matter seemed clear: nine months after the Berlin Senate, at the behest of Transport and Environment Senator Regine Günther (Greens), declared a climate emergency, concrete measures would be taken on Tuesday.

A diesel ban in the city center from 2030 was also on the agenda, as was the requirement for solar power on rooftops. Other measures such as the introduction of a toll in the city or an increase in parking fees were on the agenda, all to protect the capital’s climate.

Literally at the last second, during the current session of the Berlin Senate on Tuesday morning, the ruling mayor Michael Müller (SPD) vetoed. This was reported by several participants in the meeting that was still ongoing at the time.

After a good hour of discussion, it was finally decided to postpone the package. The Senate wants to deal with him again in four weeks. Until then, talks should take place at the secretary of state level and with parliamentary groups in the House of Representatives.

The state executive of the SPD had already addressed the issue in the afternoon

In the aftermath of the meeting, the fact that the SPD, and especially its outgoing regional head Müller, had announced this step internally the night before, sparked massive resentment in some cases. The information from Tagesspiegel was the attitude of the governor in the meeting of the state executive of his party subject briefly. At Monday’s secretary of state conference there was no sign of a postponement of the package, it was said Tuesday. Consequently, the coalition partners were shocked, Günther and several senior representatives of the Greens were even outraged.

The head of state, Nina Stahr, said via Twitter: “The mayor of the government has just postponed the measures on the climate emergency in the Senate, that is devastating! The fight against the climate catastrophe must not be postponed any longer, we need measures NOW. We would have the desired SPD support and no slowdown. ” And furthermore: “First they asked for concrete measures, then we agreed with them and now suddenly they no longer dare. Courage, comrades, fight with us to save the planet!”
