Prosecutor’s Office issues arrest warrant – suspicion of corruption


A few days after the Union earthquake due to alleged mask deals, the judiciary is now acting: the Munich prosecutor has issued an arrest warrant.

In the mask matter involving alleged corruption against politicians, the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office has requested an arrest warrant. One of the suspects in the complex was arrested Thursday, the investigating authority said. However, investigators did not give the name of the suspect. As explained by a spokesman for the prosecution, the arrest warrant is not directed against Sauter or Nüßlein.

According to the prosecution, there was initially an undisclosed motive for the arrest against the suspect, which could be a flight risk or a risk of fainting. Meanwhile, measures have also been initiated to insure assets “on a larger scale”.

At the compound, the Attorney General’s Office had recently expanded its investigation to five suspects. Among them are Georg Nüßlein, who used to sit in the Bundestag for the CSU, and Alfred Sauter, who has been a member of the CSU for many years. Both are said to have received high commission payments in connection with the mask business.

Investigations against Nüßlein are expanded

Earlier it was learned that the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office is expanding the investigation against Bundestag member Georg Nüßlein. The prosecution is investigating the suspicion that Nüßlein made another invoice for the purchase of protective masks in December 2020, the newspaper “Bild” reported. The Tectum company, where Nüßlein is the managing director, is said to have demanded 600,000 euros from an intermediary.

However, according to the newspaper, the amount should never have been transferred because the company’s account with a Liechtenstein bank had recently been canceled.

In late February, it emerged that the Nüßlein company had received six-figure commissions for the protective mask repair. Since then, the Public Ministry has investigated suspicions of breach of trust and bribery.

As a result of the corruption scandal, Nüßlein resigned from the CSU. However, he wants to keep his mandate in the Bundestag until the autumn elections. Nüßlein was part of the CSU in the Bundestag for almost 20 years, most recently as deputy leader of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group.

The registered offices of the CDU MP Hauptmann

There was also a riot in Thuringia on Thursday. According to the Thuringia CDU, the LKA has registered the former district offices of former CDU member of the Bundestag Mark Hauptmann and several CDU district offices in southern Thuringia. The state criminal investigation office informed the CDU of the records, the party’s state association announced. A spokeswoman for the attorney general confirmed the searches in the course of investigations into alleged bribery of elected officials.

According to the CDU, the district offices in Suhl, Hildburghausen, Sonneberg and Schmalkalden-Meiningen were searched. “We assure the investigators of our unrestricted support,” said Thuringia CDU General Secretary Christian Herrgott. “In this case, transparency and clarification was our goal from the beginning.” It noted that the State party acted immediately after the allegations against Hauptmann became known and, inter alia, verified the CDU party donations from previous years in all the Thuringian district associations.

Hauptmann recently resigned from his mandate in the Bundestag. The 36-year-old man had previously been criticized after pressing charges. Later it emerged that he was said to have traded protective crown masks from a Frankfurt company to the districts.
