President-Elect’s Son: Hunter Biden Tax Investigation


Son of the president-elect
Tax investigation against Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden, faces problems with the judiciary. The Delaware Attorney’s Office is investigating potential tax problems. But the 50-year-old is optimistic.

The son of US President-elect Joe Biden, Hunter, has been the target of tax investigators. In a statement released by Biden’s transition team, Hunter Biden said the prosecution informed his lawyers the day before of an investigation into his “tax matters.”

“I take this very seriously, but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will show that I have handled my affairs in a legal and proper manner, including with the help of professional tax accountants,” said the 50-year-old. The investigation is being conducted by federal attorneys in the state of Delaware, where the Biden family lives.

The president-elect said through his transition team that he was “proud” of his son who had “overcome difficult challenges,” including “malicious attacks in recent months.” The alleged revelations about Hunter Biden’s business activities in Ukraine and China made headlines during the presidential election campaign.

Biden’s activities were the starting point for the Ukraine affair

The focus was on Hunter Biden’s earlier and highly paid engagement with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. His entry on the Group’s board of directors in 2014 was controversial because his father was vice president during the presidency of Barack Obama and was responsible for US policy on Ukraine.

For this reason, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, repeatedly accused the Bidens of corruption, which they firmly rejected. An investigation into Trump’s Republicans in the Senate published in September also found no evidence of undue influence on the former vice president’s part.

Hunter Biden’s business activities for Burisma had already been the starting point of the Ukraine affair last year, which led to impeachment proceedings against Trump. In June 2019, Trump urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj to investigate corruption against the Bidens and Burismas.

When the content of the phone call came to light, opposition Democrats accused the president of abusing his office for election campaign purposes and launched a political trial. In the Senate, which is dominated by Trump’s Republicans, the president was acquitted of allegations of abuse of power last February.

Hunter Biden is the second son of the president-elect. His older brother Beau died in 2015 of complications from a brain tumor. Hunter Biden has struggled with drug problems in the past, which was discussed, among other things, in a televised presidential debate between Biden and Trump before the election.
