Israel: Mossad on a crown mission

[ad_1] The secret mission was announced in a press release: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the team is short on fighting the crown virus on March 19, so Israel uses “all available means” to get face masks and breathing machines. The State Department, the Israeli army and even the …

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Refugee children: “Proud that things have moved quickly”

[ad_1] Abroad Minor refugees “I am proud that things have progressed so fast” Status: 00:01 a.m. The | Reading time: 3 minutes. The Cabinet approves the admission of 50 unaccompanied minors In mid-April, the first 50 unaccompanied minors are brought to Germany from the Greek refugee camps. Admission is related …

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Netflix Replenishment Finally: These Series Hits Begin In May

[ad_1] Finally, binge supplies again! Due to the current situation, few companies worldwide enjoy success and growth as big as streaming service providers Netflix and company. Netflix it has now announced what subscribers can expect next month. Series addicts will get their money’s worth in May as six new formats …

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Now more than 150,000 crown deaths worldwide

[ad_1] According to a new survey, the number of victims of the virus continues to rise. There are also new numbers of infections. All information on the news blog. Worldwide, more than two million people are already infected with the corona virus, and more than 150,000 people have died. In …

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