State Crown Aid: Why are some bonuses still possible?

[ad_1] How generous can companies be with their managers and shareholders if they also receive help from Corona? This question has arisen since the federal government launched multi-million dollar aid programs as a result of the pandemic. According to Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), the answer is clear. “Anyone …

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Destiny 2 talks about cheats, but removes many points

[ad_1] With Destiny 2, Bungie has admitted that you have a cheating problem that has grown significantly. Bungie introduces a key measure right now: Now people who play tricks should also be blocked. Much more remains secret. Bungie had announced that she would talk about cheating. Now the statements are …

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Corona: study shows virus likely to enter body through nose

[ad_1] Medical personnel take a sample from a person’s nose at a coronavirus test station. Image: dpa / Ted S. Warren Coronavirus probably enters the body primarily through the nose We know that the coronavirus is spread mainly through the infection by drops and enters the body through certain proteins. …

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