Coronavirus USA: New York plans to end blockade – Bill Gates criticizes Trump



  • The coronavirus pandemic has not affected any country as much as the United States: coronavirus infections have been detected in around 966,000 people; more than 54,000 people have died from the effects of Covid’s disease 19
  • Various US states USA They are easing their crown measurements this week
  • In some parts of New York state, particularly hit by the pandemic, the first companies could reopen from mid-May, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.
  • At a press conference, President Trump proposed injecting coronavirus-infected disinfectants, and then speaks of sarcasm
  • After criticizing his remarks, Trump described the crown briefings as a “waste of time,” but has scheduled a press conference again on Monday.
  • Experts believe the number of unreported cases of coronavirus infections in the United States may be up to 50 times greater than previously thought.
  • In one month, approximately 26 million people in the United States lost their jobs.

The effects of Coronavirus pandemic Particularly dramatic: More than 966,000 people have been involved since the pandemic began Sars-CoV-2 infected, more than 54,000 people died from lung disease Covid-19.

While individual states are now discussing a relaxation of the measures, US President Trump is causing irritation: more recently, he proposed injecting disinfectants that are actually harmful to coronaviruses; after a wave of ridicule, Trump said the proposal was sarcastic, he meant

Trump wants to boost the United States economy, which has been severely paralyzed by Corona’s measures: the country’s economic success is at the heart of his electoral program. In just four weeks, more than 25 million people in the United States lost their jobs.

Interactive: virus crowns in Germany and around the worldInteractive: virus crowns in Germany and around the world Where did the virus break out, how many infected people are there already? Our interactive map shows the location of Corona, from China to Lower Saxony.

Coronavirus pandemic in the United States: key developments in the News blog:

Monday, April 27: Coronavirus in the US USA – Gradual reduction this week

9.44 p.m .: The United States Senate He plans to end his break due to the crown pandemic as planned and meet again for regular meetings next Monday. “We will see each other again next week,” confirmed Mitch McConnell, majority Republican leader in the House of Parliament, on Twitter on Monday. If doctors, nurses, truck drivers, and supermarket employees were to take their jobs during the crisis, senators would have to do the same. The Senate and House of Representatives, the other house of parliament in the United States Congress, had announced a break from the session until next Monday due to the spread of the coronavirus.

It is not yet clear whether the House of Representatives will meet again for regular meetings as planned. The Speaker of this House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, has the President of the United States. Donald trump He repeatedly warned against taking protective measures too soon. Republican Trump wants to reopen the crisis-ridden economy as quickly as possible. Due to the spread of the corona virus, citizens of the US capital are encouraged. USA To remain in their homes until at least May 15.

McConnell said the Senate would modify the way he works to make it “safe.” “But we will fulfill our constitutional duty.” The Senate is controlled by Republicans, the House of Representatives by Democrats. In the United States there are now more than 978,000 infections confirmed with corona virus. More than 55,000 people died as a result of an infection.

7:36 pm: For fear of further spread of the new coronavirus, the Democratic area code in the American state of New York. This was decided by the democratic members of the state electoral board with around 19 million inhabitants on Monday, according to the American media.

NY It is the first state in the United States to completely cancel democratic primary elections, for the first time in its history. Numerous other states have already postponed their area codes. Originally the New York area code was supposed to take place in late April and then it was postponed until June 23 due to the crown pandemic.

After the retirement of left-wing senator Bernie Sanders, the former vice president Joe Biden the only remaining United States Democratic presidential candidate. Sanders’ supporters had called for a vote to be held in New York. “What the Sanders campaign wanted was basically a beauty pageant that seemed unnecessary and even frivolous in a health crisis situation,” said Douglas Kellner, Democratic Co-Chair of the Board of Elections. Governor Andrew Cuomo said he would not question the election executive’s decision.

Local and regional elections in New York state are said to continue June 23 If possible, voters should vote by mail.

Nearly 1,000 crew members of the coronavirus-positive “USS Theodore Roosevelt”

7.11 p.m .: According to a new analysis, thousands of people could be Coronavirus infection that had not been previously counted in official statistics. From early March to April 4 inclusive, there were approximately 15,400 more deaths in the United States than in the same period in previous years, as reported by the Washington Post on Monday. However, only 8,128 coronavirus deaths were officially reported at the time. However, analysis conducted for the newspaper by a Yale University team does not allow a firm conclusion to be drawn on how many of the approximately 7,000 additional deaths were related to corona infection.

However, the data suggests that the number of Fatality “Significantly higher than previously reported,” the Yale Epidemiologist Daniel Weinberger quoted the Washington Post. It is important to get a fuller picture of the true impact of the pandemic in order to give politics a solid basis for decision-making, he said.

Many people who died of corona infection at home or in nursing homes during the period were never tested for the pathogen. Therefore, they were not counted in the reports of the health authorities. The comparatively higher number of deaths: experts speak of The mortality – but it can also be caused by other reasons, for example, because sick people avoided or postponed hospital visits for fear of the virus. As a result of the crown pandemic, high mortality was also reported in several European countries compared to previous years.

6.10 p.m .: Almost 1000 crew members from the US aircraft carrier “USS Theodore Roosevelt” has tested positive for the corona virus. Of a total of 969 infected, 14 have already recovered, the US Navy said Monday. USA He corrected the data on Saturday when the number of crew members recovered was 112. Only those who tested negative for the virus twice in a row are now considered recovered, the Navy said. US media reported last week that some soldiers tested Agent Sars-CoV-2 again positive after a negative result.

Due to the spread of the virus, the armored and nuclear powered aircraft carrier is located off the Pacific island of Guam and has been largely evacuated in the meantime. More than 4,200 of the approximately 5,000 crew members have left the ship.

4:26 pm: Top US Health Experts USA They ask to fight Coronavirus epidemichire around 180,000 additional employees and convert empty hotels into centers for the voluntary isolation of potential ill people. Employees are needed because the spread of the virus can only be stopped by monitoring the contacts of all victims, experts said in a letter to the United States Congress.

The authorities of the Health care Given the magnitude of the novel coronavirus epidemic, they could “do only a fraction” of what it takes to constantly track contacts and isolate those who may be infected, experts said. The necessary steps were based on proven concepts, but would now have to be carried out “to a point never before seen” until there is a crown vaccination, they wrote.

The congress should therefore $ 46.5 billion Provide new hires ($ 12 billion), conversion of hotels to voluntary isolation centers ($ 4.5 billion), and a payment of $ 50 per day to all who can be isolated ($ 30 billion) Experts

Controlling the pandemic will be the best possible Economic stimulus be it for the US economy, the letter said. “We urge Congress to make this vital investment for the people of the United States.” More recently, Parliament approved about $ 30 billion to expand crown tests.

1:52 pm: In the coronavirus pandemic, the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Supports Joe Biden’s presidential bid. The highest-ranking Democrat said in a video message to her party colleague Biden he will be an “outstanding” head of state who will lift the United States out of the crown crisis again.

Biden has never forgotten his roots and works for Americans who have difficulty paying their health insurance or other bills, Pelosi said. Given the epidemic of the new corona virus, Biden is a voice of “reason and resistance”. He outlined a clear path “to get us out of this crisis,” Pelosi said.

The former president already had in mid-April Barack Obama expressed support for his former vice president Biden. Biden (77), who was Obama’s Vice President from 2009 to 2017, is now the party’s designated presidential candidate, although primary elections are underway. Biden will be officially nominated at a party convention in the summer. The election against incumbent Donald Trump will be held in November.

Microsoft founder criticizes Trump government

7.05 a.m.: Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill gates has accused the United States government of serious omissions in dealing with the crown crisis. “Especially in the United States, testing was not a priority,” said Microsoft technology group co-founder “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Monday edition).

Gates, who is involved in the fight against the coronavirus, among other things, criticized the fact that the Washington government did not give clear instructions on the issue of loosening restrictions on public life. He also complained that the United States was less involved in developing global health emergency solutions than it used to be.

4.16 a.m.: After the first controversy Relieving Containment measures in Georgia are following suit this week. In Tennessee, restaurants will open to guests on Monday under certain conditions, and there will be a retail movement on Wednesday. Additionally, the Texas order that citizens must remain largely in their homes is due to expire Thursday, according to US media. In some parts of the US state. The US, which has been particularly affected by the pandemic NY Governors Andrew Cuomo said the first companies could reopen in mid-May.

However, the adviser to the President of the United States, Donald Trump, Dr. Deborah Birx, made it clear that normality was far from being an option. President Donald Trump skipped his Corona press conferences this weekend.

0.11 a.m.: President of the United States Donald trump and the french head of state Emmanuel Macron advised on the Corona crisis. According to the White House, both expressed on Sunday the hope that the veto powers of the UN Security Council would meet soon to discuss how the pandemic would work. “President Trump and President Macron agreed on the need to reform the World Health Organization,” said the government headquarters in Washington. On the French side, there was initially no information on the content of the conversation.

Sunday, April 26, 2020: coronavirus crisis: Brad Pitt takes Trump to the shovel

9:16 pm: The governor of the particular of the Crown pandemic The affected state of New York has announced a gradual plan to return to normal. “We want to start the economy again,” said Andrew Cuomo at his daily press conference on Sunday, “but we must be careful and smart in doing this.” For example, companies must ensure that distance rules can be observed in their offices and factories and that it is sufficient to have respirators for their employees.

Brad Pitt takes on the role of virus expert Anthony Fauci

6.10 p.m .:
Brad Pitt plays the role of leading virus expert in the US government. USA, Anthony Fauci, hatched and has a president Donald trump pissed off for the show “Saturday night Live” Pitt missed the gray hair, the suit, the glasses, and imitated Fauci’s New York accent, as well as his somewhat smoky voice.

Regarding Trump’s earlier statement that the new corona virus would simply disappear like a miracle, the fake Fauci said: “A miracle would be great. Who doesn’t like miracles, but Plan A shouldn’t be a miracle.”

The real Fauci, the 79-year-old head of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, recently answered the question of who he would like me to play in a Hollywood movie: Brad Pitt, of course. As an expert, Fauci frequently attends the president’s coronavirus press conferences and is valued for his sober behavior. He is not afraid to classify or contradict the president’s statements.

As for Trump’s statement that “there will be a coronavirus vaccine” very soon, “Pitt said in a Fauci voice that this is true if one takes the entire history of planet Earth as criteria. Experts expect a vaccine in the middle of next year at the earliest.

Pitt removed his wig at the end of the show and turned to Fauci: “Thank you for your prudence and clarity at this troubled time.” The actor also thanked health workers and their families.

4.32 p.m .: United States President Donald Trump recently scored goal after goal in his crown reports. Important consultants urgently recommended that he withdraw. Is this the end of Trump’s daily crown show?

Coronavirus crisis in the United States: Donald Trump had spoken daily at press conferences at the White House for weeks. After strong criticism of his statements, he now says they are not worth “time and effort.”
Photo: Olivier Douliery / AFP

4.19 a.m.: As a result of Trump’s statements about possible Disinfecting injections the poisonous center has against the corona virus in Illinois, an increase in emergency calls taped In the past two days, there has been a “significant increase” in cleaning-related calls compared to the same period last year, the director of the health department said. For example, a mixture of bleach and mouthwash was used to gargle, “in an attempt to kill the crown virus.” She strongly warned against taking household cleaners.

3.57 a.m.: President donald Trump think it’s daily Press conferences on the Corona crisis are not worth your time.. The media would get “record ratings and the American people would get nothing more than Fake newsThe President wrote on Twitter. “It is not worth the time and effort!”

Underlying this is Trump’s remarks about possible disinfectant injections for crown patients that caused bewilderment and ridicule two days ago. “What is the purpose of White House press conferences when the Lamestream media nothing more than asking hostile questions and then refusing to tell the truth or the facts, “Trump continued. He did not miss a play on words with the” mainstream media “he despised.

With his tweet, Trump seemed to confirm media reports that, out of frustration over questions about how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, he was considering ending daily press conferences, which sometimes lasted more than two hours.

Saturday, April 25, 2020: Trump offers German fans

8.44 p.m .: The US state USA Particularly affected by the crown pandemic NY wants to dramatically increase the number of virus tests. “As of today, all pharmacies can take tests,” said the governor. Andrew Cuomo Saturday at his daily press conference. This would make 5,000 new test locations available at one time. So far, according to Cuomo, New York controls about 20,000 people a day, more than any other state in the United States. Cuomo now plans to double this number to 40,000.

7:08 p.m .: In the United States a woman has one Baby get while due to severe crown symptoms Eat Layman This was confirmed by Winthrop Hospital in New York State, where the 41-year-old man had been treated, on Saturday by the German Press Agency. “It was the best medicine I could get,” the mother told The New York Post. The newspaper had first reported on the unusual birth. The 41-year-old man is now back home.

According to the clinic, the woman was six months pregnant when she was hospitalized on April 5 with a bad cough. Her condition worsened and the doctors put her in an artificial coma. On April 8, they decided to give birth to the baby by cesarean section. “We decided that the baby would reduce the mother’s oxygen needs,” said the doctor in charge of the New York Post. On April 10, the mother woke up from a coma, just on her 41st birthday. Subsequently, her young daughter was negative for the corona virus.

Crown crisis in the United States: fewer deaths in one week

9.44 a.m.: In the United States, there is mounting pressure due to a fire letter related to coronavirus cases aboard the aircraft carrier “USS Theodore Roosevelt” fired commanders Brett Crozier to stop again. According to media reports, Acting Secretary of the Navy James McPherson and Maritime Operations Manager Admiral Michael Gilday were in favor of using Crozier as the captain of the aircraft carrier again.

Crozier was fired in early April after a letter to naval leaders went public warning of several cases of coronavirus on the ship. Then-Navy Secretary of State Thomas Modly later accused the captain of “bad judgment” and scaremongering, and derogatoryly commented to Crozier in a speech to the ship’s crew. Soon after, Modly had to resign even after criticizing his statements.

Defense Minister Esper initially refused to evacuate the “USS Theodore Roosevelt” from the Pacific island of Guam after the Corona outbreak. Eventually, a large portion of the 4,800-man crew was brought ashore. The entire crew has been tested for the corona virus. 840 crew members, including Crozier himself, were infected. A sailor died.

5.32 a.m.: America has it fewer new crown deaths reported for almost three weeks. According to the Johns Hopkins University census on Friday night, 1,258 more people died in one day from Covid-19 lung disease caused by the new coronavirus. The total number of American deaths increased accordingly around 51,000. Around 890,000 people have been infected with the virus.

Despite the sharp drop in the number of deaths from 3,176 on Thursday, health experts warn of premature hope: a trend can only be seen when there is a steady decline in infections and deaths.

1.50 a.m.:
Donald trump Germany has in the crown crisis according to its own information Fans offered. The United States now has an excess of these devices, Trump said Friday night (local time) at the White House.

His government has promised to send fans to Mexico, Honduras, Indonesia, France, Spain and Italy, “and we will likely send them to Germany if they need them.” Trump activated a war law during the crisis to compel companies to produce aid. American corporations have pledged to manufacture tens of thousands of ventilators to combat the coronavirus.

Friday, April 24, 2020: Another signed economic stimulus package

10:53 p.m. American citizens are expected to elect a new president in November, but the election campaign freezes in the limited contact crown crisis. There’s also the designated Democratic presidential candidate, Joe BidenHe also spoke again and was surprised at what President Donald Trump had said. Disinfectants It is shown as a possible method of corona treatment. “I can’t believe I have to say that, but please don’t drink bleach,” the former vice president wrote on short message service Twitter on Friday.

8:31 pm: Breathe NY: The increase in the number of crown deaths and infected crown continues to decline. On the fifth consecutive day, the number of deaths in 24 hours on Friday was less than 500, with 422 deaths, the number in the US state. USA On the east coast, it fell to its lowest level in three weeks. This was announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo at his daily press conference on Friday.

In total, more than 16,000 people died in New York. At weddings just a few days ago, there were almost 800 victims per day.

7.49 p.m .: It first encourages researchers to inject disinfectants into people, then withdraws after much criticism: Donald trump He wants his controversial statements about possible therapeutic approaches to coronavirus to be understood as sarcasm.

“I sarcastically asked reporters a question just to see what would happen,” Trump said Friday at the White House in Washington. “I thought that would be clear.”

Trump said he had not wanted to call Americans to take disinfectants. He only has one “Very sarcastic” question to an “enemy group” of reporters. Read the full story here:
Squirt bleach vs. crown? Trump talks sarcasm

7:37 pm: Donald Trump has another one on Friday Stimulus package signed to deal with the crisis in Corona. The package, which Republicans and Democrats agreed to in Congress after days of negotiations, sees aid as $ 484 billion before

Congress had already approved a $ 2.2 trillion stimulus package in March to support America’s troubled economy. More than 26 million people lost their jobs in five weeks.

The new package is designed to add $ 320 billion to an existing small and medium business loan program. The loans, which can be repaid later, are intended to limit the rise in unemployment in the United States.

Another loan program is expected to provide approximately $ 60 billion, $ 75 billion for health care, and another $ 25 billion for coronavirus testing and research.

Donald Trump with the signed stimulus package.
Photo: Olivier Douliery / AFP

5:38 p.m. The number of Dead crown in the United States, the 50,000 threshold has been exceeded. Johns Hopkins University said Friday that more than 50,030 people in the country have died from Covid-19.

For some time now, the United States has been the country with the most confirmed infections and deaths worldwide.

Trump suggests injecting disinfectants into people

2:53 p.m .: British consumer goods group Reckitt Benckiser has warned against using disinfectants to treat coronavirus. “Under no circumstances” should disinfectants be administered to the human body, either by ingestion or injection, or in any other way, the company said of its brands. Sagrotan heard on Friday.

The track was made after the statements of The President of the United States, Donald Trump released Thursday afternoon (local time) at a press conference at the White House, encouraging investigators, among other things, to examine ways People injecting disinfectant directly.

12.53 p.m .: The Hawaii State intervenes against travelers who do not adhere to the mandatory 14-day quarantine of the popular vacation home. 19 people had already been transported back to the respective departure airport at state cost after violating strict departure restrictions, local authorities said.

The Hawaii tourism agency has provided $ 25,000 for this purpose. The return flight will be paid by the authorities if those affected cannot pay for it.

Due to the corona virus pandemic, Hawaii had one in late March 14-day quarantine introduced for all air travelers. Isolation applies equally to vacationers and residents of the Central Pacific archipelago. Anyone arriving by plane must be quarantined for two weeks. Housing can only be left for medical purposes. Violations can be punished by a fine of up to $ 5,000, a prison sentence of up to one year, or both.

About 1.5 million people live in the state of Hawaii. Furthermore, there are generally tens of thousands of tourists on the islands. Local health authorities reported 596 confirmed cases of Sars-CoV-2 infection and 12 infected people died.

8.09 a.m.:
Trump have with idiosyncratic ideas for possible therapeutic approaches caused a sensation against the corona virus. In his daily press conference at the White House, the President of the United States encouraged investigators to look for ways to inject disinfectants directly into people. He also reflected on options to bring strong light “to the body” to treat infections.

6.25 a.m.: The volume of the State aid The fight against the crown crisis continues to grow. Congress in Washington launched another aid package. It has a volume of almost half a trillion dollars and should primarily support small and medium-sized businesses.

The total number of US government programs. USA Against the crisis it will grow to more than $ 2.5 trillion. The new aid package is ready the fourth the United States has passed. It was passed almost unanimously in the House of Representatives.

Trump faces economists: “They have no idea”

0.53 a.m.:
Trump He answered a journalist’s question in the White House about when the American economy would stabilize again, according to government economists: “I know a lot about economists. And the answer is: you have no idea. I know my way like everyone else. And I think our economy will start to recover very clearly once the states reopen. “

0.43 a.m.: The United States government sees Progress in containing the epidemic. There are promising signs of progress, said Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence. “We believe that in early summer we could be a much better nation as a nation, with much of this coronavirus epidemic behind us.” In many parts of the country, the number of infections decreased, as did the number of people hospitalized for an infection. It should be, said Pence.

16 states have already released plans to relax virus-related restrictions in public life. It was encouraging. However, he warned that measures to contain the epidemic must first continue.

0.40 a.m .: The future Democratic presidential candidate of the United States, Joe Biden, expects a duel of speeches with incumbent Donald Trump despite the Corona crisis. “I can’t wait to debate Donald Trump,” the former vice president said in a video conference with supporters of his party. In light of the pandemic, you’re also ready for an online swap: “It doesn’t matter if you zoom, Skype, hang out, or in person, anytime, anywhere.” After his rival Bernie Sanders retired, Biden is almost certain to be the Democratic presidential candidate.

Thursday, April 23, 2020: Drastic economic recession in the United States due to the crown crisis.

10:19 p.m. United States President Donald Trump wants to free the US economy from the yoke of crown restrictions as quickly as possible, but now he’s even slowing down a Republican governor. Die angekündigten Lockerungen im Bundesstaat Georgia ab diesem Freitag kämen „zu früh“, sagte der Republikaner am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) im Weißen Haus. „Sicherheit muss Vorrang haben.“ Unterdessen warnten seine Berater schon vor einer zweiten Coronavirus-Epidemie im Herbst. Sie forderten daher alle Amerikaner auf, sich im Interesse des Gemeinwohls dieses Jahr gegen die Grippe impfen zu lassen.

19.39 Uhr: Im besonders heftig von der Corona-Pandemie betroffenen US-Bundesstaat New York haben sich den vorläufigen Ergebnissen einer ersten Antikörper-Studie zufolge bislang rund 14 Prozent der Menschen mit dem neuartigen Virus infiziert. Für die Studie seien rund 3000 Menschen, die in 40 Supermärkten in 19 Landkreisen einkauften, zufällig ausgewählt und auf Antikörper getestet worden, sagte Andrew Cuomo, Gouverneur des Bundesstaates an der US-Ostküste mit rund 19 Millionen Einwohnern, am Donnerstag bei seiner täglichen Pressekonferenz.

Bei 13,9 Prozent der Getesteten im Bundesstaat New York und sogar rund 20 Prozent der Getesteten in der gleichnamigen Millionenmetropole seien Antikörper gefunden worden, sie seien also mit dem Virus in Berührung gekommen, selbst wenn sie nie Krankheitssymptome hatten. Das könnte Cuomo zufolge bedeuten, dass rund 2,7 Millionen Menschen im Bundesstaat New York bereits eine Infektion mit dem Virus überstanden haben. Cuomo betonte allerdings, die Zahlen seien vorläufig und beruhten nur auf der relativ kleinen Testgruppe von 3000 Menschen, die zudem nicht diejenigen beinhalte, die derzeit das Haus nicht verließen.

USA: 4,4 Millionen Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenhilfe in einer Woche

18.00 Uhr: Der älteste Bruder von US-Senatorin Elizabeth Warren, Don Reed, ist infolge einer Covid-19-Erkrankung gestorben. Warren dankte am Donnerstag auf Twitter dem medizinischen Personal, das sich um ihren Bruder gekümmert hatte. „Aber es ist schwer zu wissen, dass es keine Familie gab, die ihm die Hand hielt oder ihm noch einmal „Ich liebe dich“ sagte – und keine Beerdigung für diejenigen von uns, die ihn liebten.“ Die Zeitung „Boston Globe“ berichtete, Don Reed sei 86 Jahre alt geworden. Warren hatte sich um die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokraten beworben, sich im März nach erfolglosen Vorwahlen jedoch aus dem Verfahren zurückgezogen.

Die 70-jährige Senatorin schrieb, Reed sei bereits am Dienstagabend infolge einer Infektion mit dem Corona virus murió Sie berichtete, ihr Bruder sei im Alter von 19 Jahren zur US-Luftwaffe gegangen und habe auch im Vietnam-Krieg gekämpft. „Er war charmant und lustig, ein natürlicher Anführer.“ An die Adresse ihres Bruders fügte sie hinzu: „Ich werde Dich sehr vermissen.“

14.51 Uhr: Wegen der Corona-Pandemie haben in den USA die fünfte Woche in Folge Millionen Menschen einen Erstantrag auf Arbeitslosenhilfe gestellt. In der Woche bis zum 18. April wurden 4,4 Millionen Neuanträge registriert, wie das US-Arbeitsministerium am Donnerstag mitteilte. Damit haben innerhalb eines Monats mehr als 26 Millionen Menschen ihren Job verloren. Allein in der Vorwoche hatten 5,2 Millionen Menschen einen Erstantrag auf Unterstützung gestellt.

Die Erstanträge gelten als Indikator für die kurzfristige Entwicklung des Arbeitsmarkts in der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt. Sie deuten inzwischen auf einen dramatischen Wirtschaftseinbruch infolge der Corona-Krise hin. Bis zum März hatte die Zahl der Erstanträge noch regelmäßig unter 100.000 pro Woche gelegen.

14.00 Uhr: Wir starten unser neues Newsblog. Lesen Sie die Entwicklungen in den USA in den vergangenen Tagen in der Coronavirus-Krise in unserem alten Newsticker.

Coronavirus-Pandemie – Mehr zum Thema
