Erbgut umfassend entschlüsselt – Naturheilkunde & Naturheilverfahren Fachportal

[ad_1] Herpesvirus in seiner genetische Struktur entschlüsselt Herpesviren des Typ HSV-1 (Herpes-simplex-Virus 1) können nicht nur Lippenherpes, sondern auch deutlich schwerwiegenderen Erkrankungen auslösen. Ist das Virus einmal in den Körper gelangt, bleibt es in einer Art Schlafzustand in den Zellen erhalten und kann theoretisch immer wieder ausbrechen. Einem internationalen Forschungsteam …

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No need to correct Wirecard balances

[ad_1] Aschheim Payment service provider Wirecard sees no reason to correct its balances after a special audit by KPMG. The auditors found no “incriminating evidence” for the balance-sheet tampering allegations and there were no “substantive findings” that led to the need to correct the 2016-2018 annual financial statements, Wirecard said …

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Nightmare Vacation! Yvonne hopes to save Jo Gerner

[ad_1] Actually, it should be a romantic vacation for Yvonne (Gisa Zach) and Jo (Wolfgang Bahro), but since her husband has to work, Yvonne is planning a girlfriend vacation in Fuerteventura with her friends Nina (Maria Wedig) and Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen). But then Maren brings a surprise guest: Katrin …

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With such pre-existing diseases there is a particularly difficult course: portal for specialists in naturopathy and naturopath

[ad_1] COVID-19: Systematic treatment of people with pre-existing conditions. Infections with the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have long been known to be much more severe in previously ill patients than in previously healthy people. Certain previous illnesses are obviously particularly dangerous. Specialists point out that special protection is provided to people …

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