Crown crisis: unions take to the streets for workers

[ad_1] 3:15 pm | Jena: call for solidarity in the crown crisis At the Johannisplatz in Jena, 50 representatives of unions, parties and social associations gathered for Labor Day. The registered event took place under the proper safety and hygiene precautions. Showing solidarity online is not enough, said a Verdi …

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Amazon in the crown boom: high sales, high costs

[ad_1] Flourishing Internet commerce and burgeoning cloud services are giving Amazon strong business growth in the Corona crisis. However, Amazon also has high expenses. That reduces the profit. Revenue increased 26 percent year-over-year to $ 75.5 billion in the first quarter. However, Amazon also has high expenses due to the …

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Your AWZ family says goodbye so emotionally

[ad_1] AWZ star Ron Holzschuh died at age 50. “All That Matters” actor Ron Holzschuh died on April 27 after a brief and serious illness in his hometown of Zwickau. The sudden death shocked the fan base and also some of his colleagues who are now saying goodbye to him. …

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RB Leipzig will soon return to team training

[ad_1] The coronavirus also has firm control over sport. It is still unclear when and if it will continue in major competitions and leagues. An overview of current developments. The Bundesliga paused, the sport stopped. The reason is the corona virus, the spread of which must be contained by this …

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Corona / Deutschland: Experte unterstellt RKI mangelndes Wissen – „untergräbt Akzeptanz mit Irrlehren“

[ad_1] Die Reproduktionszahl des Coronavirus schwankt aktuell um den entscheidenden Wert von 1. RKI-Chef Wieler bekommt nun kräftig Gegenwind. Deutschland sucht weiter einen Weg durch die Corona * -Krise. Nun ist die Ansteckungsrate wieder gestiegen. Unterdessen wird bundesweit über Lockerungen der Beschränkungen diskutiert. Hier finden Sie die grundlegenden Fakten zum …

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Lufthansa – State Aid Dispute: The Bankruptcy Lantern

[ad_1] The rescue of Lufthansa by the German state is said to involve aid of around ten billion euros. As SPIEGEL learned from negotiating circles, € 5.5 billion will flow in the form of silent participation, for which the federal government requires a guaranteed dividend of nine percent. It also …

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Windows 10: Download-Ordner automatisch leeren – So geht´s

[ad_1] Downloads in regelmäßigen Abständen löschen 01. Mai 2020 um 09:30 Uhr Lesezeit: 1 minute Ihr ladet viel aus dem Internet herunter und wollt euren Download-Ordner automatisch leeren lassen? Windows 10 bietet mit der Speicheroptimierung ein praktisches Werkzeug für genau diesen Zweck. Wir zeigen, wie ihr damit in regelmäßigen Abständen …

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