That could be a problem: Musk tweets to Tesla at least

[ad_1] Elon Musk can’t stop tweeting and gets into trouble again. His recent statements caused the collapse of Tesla’s shares. That could call SEC on the plan. Tesla boss Elon Musk has slashed the electric car maker’s market value by billions with a series of strange tweets. Musk wrote Friday …

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Xiaomi wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe

[ad_1] Viele Unternehmen sammeln Daten, auch Xiaomi. Dass man dabei zu sammelwütig war, wurde dem Unternehmen nun im US-Medium Forbes angekreidet. Im Bericht kommt man zu dem Schluss, dass die verschiedenen Webbrowser von Xiaomi Daten an Server des Unternehmens senden. Man behauptet, dass die gesendeten Daten eine Historie aller besuchten …

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“Better go abroad”: Werner rejects FC Bayern

[ad_1] No other German player hits the Bundesliga as often as Werner Leipzig. Are you moving to Bayern? Until now that was the question. Now he gives the answer himself, and exceptionally not on the field. National soccer player Timo Werner has so far rejected a move from RB Leipzig …

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May 1 in times of Corona: riots in Hamburg and Berlin

[ad_1] The right of assembly is currently severely restricted by the Disease Protection Law, regular demonstrations were not allowed on May 1. However, it has not remained calm everywhere. In Berlin there were skirmishes with the police until late at night. Despite the crown ban, hundreds of people gathered in …

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