Nico Rosberg: Tears welled up during “Die Höhle der Löwen” – TV


The field of Ludwig Petersen (20) and Ralf Bäumler (21) caused great emotions on Monday night at the start-up show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (Vox).

With its “Letsact” app, volunteers can find social projects faster. Although all that sounded good, Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg (35) did not want to invest in the end. A decision that was clearly difficult for him.

Ludwig Petersen (l.) und Paul Bäumler aus München stellten ihre App „Letsact“ vorPhoto: TVNOW

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Ludwig Petersen (left) and Paul Bäumler from Munich presented their application “Letsact”Photo: TVNOW

The invention of the boys, who put their studies on hold for this, could make our world so much better. Because according to Ludwig: “Every third German would like to do something good voluntarily, but that’s not so easy.” That should change with the app. Because “couples” volunteer with the right clubs or projects.

The inventors expected 300,000 euros from lions for ten percent of the shares of their company. The app is a kind of Tinder for a good cause – by filtering and swiping, the user can choose from many organizations. And it’s very easy with just one click.

For the lions, however, there was a problem. Social engagement and entrepreneurship at the same time weren’t compatible for her. Investor Georg Kofler (63) said quite aggressively: “Why do you want to become a billionaire with a fairly charitable activity?”

The media director made the calculations: “You call 300,000 euros at ten percent. That means that the company is valued at three million euros ”. Your question to the founders: “How can this double standard be combined? On the one hand, tell everyone to do something nice for free and you yourself will have an evaluation that must be based on high profits. “

The boys respond: “We want to make money and do well in the process. We are entrepreneurs and we see it as our duty to make the world a better place ”. Its application is inexpensive, as large aid organizations pay 49 euros per month to use a separate area with many extras.

Kofler couldn’t put that any softer. Neither is the duo’s business plan. Ralf: “This year we are planning a total turnover of 200,000 euros and next year one million.” Kofler remained skeptical. Investor Dagmar Wöhrl (66) also stated: “I want to continue helping out of conviction and not for profit”. Little by little, all the lions jumped.

Gutes tun und dabei Geld verdienen? Für die Gründer geht beides zusammenPhoto: TVNOW

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Doing good and making money doing it? For the founders, both go togetherPhoto: TVNOW

So the founders only had Nico Rosberg as a potential investor. And he was simply impressed: “What you do is sensational. I got goose bumps ”. Also, he is currently looking for a way for his four-year-old daughter to do well together.

But there was no deal with him either. His reasoning: “For me, your positioning is not correct. You couldn’t convince me to make money on this topic. That will not work “. However, it left a back door open for the candidate. “If you switch to the non-profit model in the future, give me a call.”

It was really difficult for Rosberg to cancel. As soon as he said goodbye to Ludwig and Ralf, tears welled up in his eyes. Shortly after, the former racing driver even briefly left the studio. Sales professional Ralf Dümmel (53) suspected: “That probably took him, right?”

For the founders, Rosberg’s reaction was an added incentive to continue.
