Net: employees experience embarrassing breakdown at discount store – every customer sees it


Netto: Employee has an embarrassing problem at the discount store – it is visible to all customers!

A Netto employee has dishonored himself.

A Netto employee has dishonored himself.

Photo: imago images / PicturePoint

Something went wrong! An employee in Net An embarrassing mishap was allowed that all customers could see. You should have laughed when you noticed the bad deed.

The Net– The employees themselves may have regretted the campaign. After all, it quickly landed on the network, hundreds of users had fun.

Net: the employee happens a shameful accident in the supermarket

It all started when Net– The employee received an email from his boss. The email said, “Print the poster in the attachment twelve times and distribute the notes throughout your branch. Just hang it on the price bar at eye level.”

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And then the employee made twelve impressions. However, it did not print the poster on the attachment, but the email itself. He then hung it up at the supermarket, after which customers finally found the note with the email on the shelves of the network branch.


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This action also appeared on Facebook. There (around Tuesday night) around 1,000 users commented on the employee’s action. For example, they wrote:

  • “It seems to be happening on Netto. On our site, the instructions are pasted almost every week instead of removal in the appropriate place. “
  • “If the boss does something for himself.”
  • “Service according to regulations”.
  • “It is net.”

Many customers took it with humor. It is not known whether the employee misunderstood the boss’s instructions or was simply under stress. On the other hand, it is clear that the customers of the net branch could not do much with the printed notes.

The Rewe customer goes shopping barefoot, but then …

A customer at a Rewe branch also caused a lot of excitement because he simply walked barefoot into the store. How the employees and the branch manager reacted can be read here >>> (nk)
