Munich: police break up illegal party in hotel room


In Munich, the police said they had broken up a party in a hotel room. Late Saturday night, around 11:45 p.m., officers were informed about a larger party, the Munich police headquarters said.

At the scene, emergency services found there were 21 people between the ages of 19 and 43 in the room. According to the police, they consumed alcohol and did not wear mouth and nose protection. “The distances were also not maintained,” officials said.

Tenants stated it was a business meeting

The people encountered were cooperative and calm during the inspection. However, they did not understand the reason for the measures, police said. Consequently, the tenant of the room, a 27-year-old man from Munich, claimed that it was a business meeting.

Police stopped the party, published reports, and expelled people from the hotel. According to the current investigation, the hotel staff had not been aware of the celebration. Consequently, the guests had either smuggled through the reception or used a different entrance.

Icon: The mirror
