Ministry of Defense: Assault rifle retired


reThe Ministry of Defense canceled the contract for the new German armed forces assault rifle to the Suhl-based company CG Haenel due to alleged violations of the public procurement law. Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) had this reported to Defense Committee officials on Friday. This was preceded by complaints from the Heckler & Koch company, which has always supplied the standard rifle for the armed forces for seventy years, most recently the G36.

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The FAZ investigations had also pointed to numerous anomalies in the process and the small business that surprisingly beat Heckler & Koch with an assault rifle that experts say is based on a sample of a weapon called the Caracal CAR 816 ” Sultan”. This weapon is only used in the manufacturer’s emirate by the general armed forces.

FDP defense policy Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann said of the process: “It’s incredible. Years of adjudication process, dubious ownership structures, now everything goes back to zero due to incredible rookie mistakes. As if it were toys ”. The president of the Greens, Tobias Lindner, spoke of a “gigantic embarrassment for the Ministry of Defense”. He expects immediate transparency of the processes, “So the consequences for the staff must be drawn from these processes.”

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Haenel, a former Wehrmacht supplier founded in Thuringia, is owned by a state arms company in the United Arab Emirates through a parent company. According to data from commercial data agencies, the company itself has about a dozen employees. The FAZ’s questions about patent rights infringements at the Defense Ministry were rejected as unfounded at the time.

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At the registry office, it is now said, “for the first time verifiable”, they have learned of a possible infringement of patent rights. In the bidding process, each supplier had to declare in writing that their product was free from third party rights and claims.
